Pre-fest 2010 questions

Gotcha covered already Courtney. :flower

The “Old Fashion BBQ” on Tuesday at 3pm will be kinda a pot luck as well as the breakfast burrito bar on Wednesday. So, we are look for folks to help out a little and bring something. I will start a list in about a week of menu for these events and areas you festivarians can help out. :wave
I think 3D Ron has a few bands lined up to play at Camp Wander-in, like last year, at about that time on Tuesday. So having a burger, braut or pulled pork with trimmings to munch on while listening to some great music should be great. :cheers
The burrito bar is to give some of them eastern folks a little southwestern fare! Think we will have Ron do the green chili! That will get their attention!
So, let me put pencil to paper and we will get a list going soon so we have a good variety and plenty for all! :dog
:hop :hop :hop :hop :hop :hop :hop :hop :hop

Ohhhh…I forgot about the goddess walkabout! I need to double my planned Crunchy Frog batch size!!! Which also means I need to get one of those permits that allows people to carry Plutonium and stuff.

I’m thinkin Crunchy Frog is responsable for the goddess walkabout. I know that’s the only way I could do it :lol :flower

Choc./Bacon cupcakes go with everything :cheers even beer…

:wave Hey Hooch :flower

Can you PM me the crunchy frog recipe, I need to place my plutonium order this week. I’d like to mix up a batch for my Cataract trip. The boatmen will love it.


IM In …and yes Ive Got the Hillbenders …and a couple other surprises lined up !
JailHouse …I will help us much as I can with the Cooking and of course yall can use my Grill , smoker …whatever
Im getting Stoked …!

and yes Bringing the Green !

The more I read this forum the more I wander why we have never made the TBF before…Getting stoked!!!

Great we have the music again this year! :thumbsup After talking to Tucon Deb last night, I think we do the Hordourves thing again this year (Potluck), but beef it up a little more with the help of other folks bringing some grub! So, instead of an “old Fashion BBQ” it will be “Munchies with Music”! :cheers
What time is the music suppose to happen? :huh
The Hors Dourves should be at this time. :thumbsup
Then the " Buritto Bar Potluck" on Wednesday. Got a good “Hot” green chilli recipe?

As long as they don’t “Flip” over it! :lol :lol :lol :rolleyes

Is Rob talking about having the hors d’oeuvres with the homebrew tasting, and the bbq is a different (or continuation) event later in the day? Or has the bbq been replaced by the munchies, beer, and bluegrass on Tuesday around lunchtime.

Howdy CL! :wave
Brew Tasting is at noon on Tuesday, guessing the music Ron has laid on will be around two to three area. That’s when we did some HD’s last year. Just Ron and I brought stuff last year, but would like to build that with some help from more folks participating! :cheers
Yes, just Pot Luck Hors D’oeuvres…no big ass BBQ…much easier on all.
As far as the Breakfast Burritos, ya just want a line of goodies to make pick’em up and eat? :huh

Oh okay. I was thinking that the munchies you made last year were during the brew tasting. Ron made a bacon explosion but it disappeared so fast I didn’t get to try it, and I missed the music that afternoon so I don’t know what you had. As far as breakfast burritos, I’m sure whatever you do will be great. I was under the impression that it would be a build-your-own burrito bar, but maybe I misunderstood, and you are planning on making them up and serving them?
You know by now, if you put out food, it will get eaten, whether you spent 5 days making it or 5 minutes. :cheers :lol

Anyone have a high quality french fry cutter? I want to make some fresh fries for the munchies… The one I bought last year just didnt cut it… (pun intended)

Okay! :thumbsup Here we go! One month to bluegrass!
Need some feed back on numbers for the burrito thing on Wednesday morning. Did 120 last year for the Eggs Bene. What do ya think for the “pick up and eat breakfast burrito bar”?
Keeping it simple:

Eggs with chilis
potatoes with chilis, not too hot!
shredded cheese
fresh tomatos
salsa, hot and mild.
flour tortillas
Sausage, hot.

Let’s see…all the major food groups…think we are good. :thumbsup
Have the set up and chaffing dishes, but need folks to jump in and offer to help out in bringing some part.
Give me your thoughts!
Also, do not forget about the Munchies on Tuesday about 2-3 pm. This can be fancy to real simple, like cheese and crackers. Just neeed folks to jump in an bring something! Great music, right there at Wander-In, support the bands and meet all the great festivarians! I think I will do a few items, Pulled pork and buns and black bean and corn salsa…probably another one or two items.
:woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo
But, with alot of folks jumping in and bringing some of their great recipies and helping out is what makes these events special every year during prefest.
:hop :hop :hop :hop :hop :hop!
Okay, so let’s Rock and Roll One Month!
Let me know what ya think and give me who is in for what to bring!
Know Shark has the Maple/bacon muffins! Sounds strange, but they are to die for!
Jailhouse Rob and Tom.

I don’t have an actual french fry cutter, but I do a decent job cutting them by hand if that appeals to you.

I’m in. I’ll be there to help cook and whatever. I’m working on some munchie ideas as we speak.

Black beans
sour cream
I’m not saying that’s what I’m bringing, but they are good items to have. Some might like beans if they don’t eat meat.

Love the “munchies with music” idea…count me in for an appetizer of some sort:) Also, please add to the growing list of events this year…a New Year’s Eve Party on Sunday night at Camp Cascadia (which will be located next to the tiki bar). Happy New Year!!!

Love and Joy,