Nightgrass Tickets?!?!

Call me extremely impatient but…

Has anyone gotten notification yet about the status of the Nightgrass Tickets?

This has been a painful, painful, morning.

Any news would be appreaciated.

Haha…I thought I was the only one!!! I guess no news is good news for now…

I suppose technically they said they would begin pulling entries today… its only 11:00 in Colorado, give it some time :slight_smile:

Ahh…I’m not alone!

Still no news and I have resorted to watching Telluride Videos over and over again…

Nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile…

My buddy just got the “sorry - you’re a big loser” email (12:15 pm 4/2).

Same here… I got denied, my friend hasn’t been informed.

I’ll be at the RRE show somehow… even if I have to sneak in early and glue myself to the rafters.

Got one just now for my GF, but I’m still hoping one’s coming MY way!

of the 10 entries my group and i put into the lottery, all 10 of them were denied.

i’m very disappointed. i thought we had played the odds well.

at this point. my order was denied, but my wife has not heard yet.

what does this mean?

If you’re looking to buy, sell, or trade nightgrass tickets,
PLEASE post it in the Nightgrass Ticket Exchange area of the forum.


Settle down, tiger. :lol

Nobody who got tickets has even been notified, yet.


I get a text sent to me when my credit card has been charged. Haven’t got an email, just a $60 charge.

Let me go ahead and apologize for the “Town Park Lottery” subject line…it was a mistake.


Lotteries SUCK!

Luck of The Irish my foot!

Same here.

just got emails!!! We got tix for RRE, but no Yonder…

congrates! enjoy the show!

Got the confirmation. RRE it is!

The Bluegrass gods were real good to my wife and I. :thumbsup

Woohoo got my YMSB!!