More 2009 lineup additions

We just added a bunch of exciting new names to the 2009 TBF lineup…

David Byrne
Conor Oberst & the Mystic Valley Band
Jenny Lewis
Gaelic Storm
Crooked Still

And we’re excited that Bela Fleck will be joined by the great Toumani Diabate (master of the African kora).

Check out bios/photos/videos from all our 2009 artists at:

We still have a couple more spots to fill. We’ll announce those in a few more weeks.

Oh man you just made my day :hop Crooked Still, are you serious??? Hotdog Batman there is a slice of Bluegrass heaven waitin’ for me . How many more days till we leave for TELLLLLLLLUUUUUUUUUUUUURIDE!!! :medal :medal

As I squeel with glee behind this sea of year end paper tasks… how did I get here anyway? :frowning:

I dream of June and 10,000 friends… :lovedr :festivarian :band :concert :clap :clap :talk :sunshine :dancing :dance :vibes

Damn…funny how when you’re not going these kind of announcements ruin your day :mad

You guys are in for a treat this June. TBF comes through again. Maybe I can sabotage my friend’s wedding. :evil

DAVID BYRNE!?!?!?!?!

Awesome. Simply awesome.


well done!

YEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! This has made my day, David Byrne and Crooked Still!!! Well done Planet Bluegrass!!! :medal :cheers :medal :cheers :eek :medal :cheers :flower

Are u kidding me? I can’t BELIEVE this year’s line-up!!

But I’ve always been able to schedule a trip back to the tent to cook up dinner. When am I supposed to do THAT?

Nearly every one of these artists is someone I’ve either seen and can’t miss, or someone I’ve always wanted a taste of. Looks like I’ll be dieting this year because I’m not missing anything on stage!

Its gonna be a fun time for sure
wander what others “Tasty Treats”
Craig and the crew have up thier sleeves ?

Those on the planet have consistently brought people I’ve always wanted to see but haven’t for some reason or another and David Byrne is leaving me nearly speechless. And Crooked Still and I’m off the charts about Bela with Toumani Diabate. Wahoo! Wahoo!!

I’m still in shock about David Byrne. I missed out on getting to see him Spokane because of some unforeseen circumstances, and a few days after I make that call, this announcement comes up.

:cheers :cheers :cheers

I LOVED last year, but so far this year is shaping up to kick last year’s ass :cheers

very nice! jenny lewis will be great too. acid tongue is one of my favorite albums of 2008.

This is KILLING me! I have to choose between RG Academy and this!!!


Crooked Still!!!

Same as it ever was.

just wanted to stop in and say that i LOVE THE NEW ADDITIONS!


David Byrne is gonna be off the charts… just love it. :flower

Just eat mac and cheese for a few months… Comon Doc, you know you must… :cheers

Pants Crapped


Well done!

fyi-Merle Haggard is touring…hint, hint :wave