low back chair

Could someone please post a pic of or a link to what would qualify as a low back chair that is suitable for TBF? I just want to be in compliance, man. Thanks!

The planet’s guideline is that you shouldn’t be able to roll a basket ball under it.

I’ve been thinking of upgrading this year to one of these Kelysus chairs. I had back surgery and need something a little lighter to carry and easier on the back for sitting. Anyone have one and want to share a review?

I’ve had a similar chair to that one and personally didn’t care for it. As it gets worn in and settled, you can feel the two support bars that run parrallel with the back. Maybe REI’s is a better qualilty than the one I had, but if you’ve had back issues, you may not like it…

We have the ones that have the little backpack on the back, higher back and they recline. I really like them. They give me good back support. They also have the straps so you carry them like a backpack which is convenient.
Good luck on chair shopping.
Beth :flower
PS don’t forget the ibuprofen, icy/hot and maybe a good foot slave that does back rubs too.

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We have the ones that have the little backpack on the back, higher back and they recline. I really like them. They give me good back support. They also have the straps so you carry them like a backpack which is convenient.

We have these also and like them… What are you using now? I really like the bag on the back so I can stash stuff like my book, sunscreen, misc kid crap etc

Some friends of mine have those Kelsyus chairs and I think they’re a little hard to get in and out of. And they only last a couple of years, which is a bit disappointing for the money.

My favorite chair is a low-back beach chair from K-Mart. It’s got the square-ish aluminum frame so the chair doesn’t hug you too much when you’re sitting in it (like most folding camp chairs do), and it’s got rigid arm rests which helps when getting up out of a low chair. And it’s nice and low to the ground and only cost $10, but who knows whether they even make 'em like that anymore or not.

I agree completely on the Kelsyus. I just ordered 2 of them and they are very uncomfortable.

Hi Kym :wave
The First Lady :flower and I have one you can use at the fest. Take it for a festi spin! :cheers
Then please come back here after the fest to post your review. :rock
See you all soon…Much to pack…Gov A to the J

I’m with you on that one Bevin. I too have friends with those. They seem to enjoy them, but I don’t care for them at all. Not fun to get in and out of and it just didn’t feel that comfortable. I don’t have the best back’s either and I’d give a thumbs down on those. But, everyone to each their own :slight_smile:

Hey Bevin- thanks for lookin out for Rand! Biscuits are happier now that all the Gravy is on the way!!! :band

I have one of the original “packpack chairs” it’s made of heavy grade Aluminum with good support. it reclines and is good on the back. I’m a very big guy and ,so far, it’s worked for me for the last ten festival seasons. this year it may not work out for me as there is more of me than in previous years. I also have 2 or 3 of the knockoffs of the same chair, it’s narrower, has a steel frame and won’t hold as much weight. even the cheaper ones have held up well.

What I was worried about was the height of the chair; there’s nothing worse that an obstructed view. But the Kelsyus and backpack chairs are both 27 inches high. Reasonably, if I can find something that size or smaller, I should be good, yes? I’m flying in and need to know that I and my buddies can find something at the Walmart in Grand Junction, dig?

The rule of thumb is, if you can roll a basketball underneath the chair it is too tall. So, go into the store grab a bball then head over to the chairs and test them out.


Yeah, but it could be 50 inches tall with cross bars under the seat, and a basketball wouldn’t roll under it. I’m trying to interpret the spirit of the law, and that is that it’s not cool to block the view of those behind you. But if Kym and Rick can get away with their chairs, I should be fine with one of the same height, right?

I’m envisioning over-zealous Festivarians coming back from a trip to pick up Killer Flank Steak and pouring beer out over my head for breaking the “basketball-under-the-chair” rule. That’d be an awful waste of beer, though.

I’ve always understood that rule of thumb to mean if the seat of your chair was taller than a basketball, your chair was too high. But the best rule of thumb would be to be considerate of those behind you. :wave

Dumping a beer on your head…I’d call that alcohol abuse unless of course your tip your head back and manage to catch most of the beer in your mouth!!!


if your flying in and most likely not taking the chairs back on the plane with you, I would say get those short, old style woven web folding beach chairs, probably the cheapest way to go, next to that would be the back pack type also inexpesive now. as Punchy said the basketball rule applies to seat hight. when you get to the store, you’ll know which are cool and which are not.

:wave If you’re flying in and in need of a festival chair… Might I suggest you ask around at sme of the established camps for a loaner, many folks bring extra chairs. Also if you buy one please make sure yu habd it off to someone for resuse at another festival. It sure is a drag seeing all f those chairs becme landfill before their time.

7days to departure

Thanks for all the comments on the kelsyus chairs. I’ll see you with a bloody mary on the tarps for a test drive AJ! :cheers

And Shane, just to be clear, the chair I currently use and the kelsyus are both about 30" tall when unfolded. It might look like there is more clearance there in the picture but they’re both considered “sand” chairs. You also may want to wait as Jerry suggests. The hardward store in town sells light aluminum ones you can pick up if sharing isn’t working for you but you’ll find there are lots of unused chairs in the festival and if you’re a friendly person, most people are happy to share until friends come back or what not. It’s such a shame to see all those perfectly good chairs filling the dumpster at the end of the festival.


These are always good for the young/nimble ( ie: can get yourself off ground easily), packing light crowd. They can easily fit in a larger suitcase or overhead bin.

i just googled Crazy Creek chair… there are some good deals out there for that one. I am going to get one of those for another festival where carrying one of those to sit on hillsides when not at the main stage makes a lot of sense. My present festival chair that comes to all Planet Bluegrass is the Wearever backpack chair… but not the one with the high back and the head rest. … it’s just the regular one. It’s starting to wear at the seam on the seat… probably because very big people have used it when i wasn’t there and because i have sat down too forcefully. oops. Anyway, i am hoping it makes it through another festival season. It has served me well and doesn’t block the view of the people behind me. in some venues the higher back ones can do that… but then so can some hats. We just have to move our seats a bit. It’s all good!

is it time yet?


Thank you all for the help! I only started the thread because I was bored at work and really wanted to think about TBF. I’ll find something at the store or wait until I get to the hardware in town. And don’t you worry, I will find someone to whom I’ll give away everything I can’t take home.