Looking for a line sitter/tarp runner Friday/Saturday during the festival!!

My group and I are all attending the festival for the first time. Sadly, we are NOT morning people. Therefore, I am in need of a line sitter/tarp run for our group on Friday/Saturday at the festival. We are staying at the Fairmont Hotel across from Town Park and will supply you with a tarp when we arrive in town on Thursday. You: Will have a cell phone and a willingness to help us newbies have an awesome experience. We: Will be generous in paying you for your time and will give you multiple high fives for your rock star deeds! If interested, please email me at heymary21@yahoo.com. Thanks in advance!

Me too! Anyone who knows me would agree tha I definitely need as much beauty sleep as possible. This is your chance to make me as attractive as I think I could be!!! Let em know if u would like to sleep in line for me!

You crack me up… :wave :flower :cheers

:lol :lol I think the best thing about this Fest is everyone after time develops their own strategies. Most Vets of this fest know that the line for the tarp is half the experience and almost a right of passage…lots of music and comradery in the line and can be fun.

Good luck friend!

Good luck Mary! If you can’t find anyone to help in advance, keep your eye out during the fest. I’ve noticed several people selling their numbers around 30 minutes before the tarp run. I’ve been tempted while holding my 200+, but never pulled the trigger.

Thursday is an easier day to be a part of things if you’re so inclined. It’s a later start and there are fewer people are around, so if you’re in the line by 6:00, you can still get under # 150 or so. The line and tarp run is a pretty cool scene- If you’re gonna do it once, Thurs is definitely the day.

Also, I don’t think there is a Fairmont across from town park, so that might be worth checking into.

Hmmm… I don’t know how I feel about the money getting the sweet spot.
Thoughts, feelings!
I personally love the tarp line! :flower

I know how I feel about it… :hooch

If we’re going to accept and normalize paying people to take care of tarp runs for other people, then we also should have no complaints if they decided to rope off the first 20 feet for people who want to pay $$$$ to have “reserved tarps”. It’s all just money ensuring good spots, right?

Nothins fair dag nabit. If not equally lopsided if only the young and sprye get first dibs on great seats. it all shakes out Huck.

“It all shakes out Huck” Words to live by! xo

Don’t want any newbies thinking it’s cool to sell line numbers: it’s not cool and not very festivarian (in my opinion)

Yeah, i think you are right. I know its possible but it just doesnt seem very festivarian. Wake up and do a tarp run kids, stop sleeping the festival away, sheesh

:flower :flower

Hey Mary! It’s one big dance party anyway really. :lol

Good luck and you guys stop messin with Mary’s thread here.

A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.

This. The whole tarp line process in general has never made any sense to me. Why you would have a system in place where people feel the need to have to miss out on music and miss out on all the shenanigans happening in the campgrounds and around town so they can “get a good number” is beyond me. Who really wants to spend their vacation sleeping in a line? I know this topic has been discussed at length and there are no easy solutions, just seems there has to be something better then when you’re walking by Warner Field at 7pm on Friday and people are already in line for Saturday.

:wave Welp I just taught Mary how to post correctly by putting this request in the proper thread. How bout we give Mary a break and start a new thread on Tarp line thoughts. :cheers

Yes, good thought, i wasnt trying to be mean, i judt thought she might have missed some of what the festival represents but you are right, lets help her out with ideas x

Things evolve. If line sitters are helpful for the tried and true or even “newbies” who would prefer to be well rested, so be it! I’ve never bought or sold a number, but live and live, esp at TBG. It’s really not hurting anyone in the end.

Psyched for my 9th fest this year. I’ve been on that line by 3:00 AM most days, and know what? It can be really hard the next day! I can barely make it through the headline closer some nights. So…I get it.

Here is a better strategy. Go out and make some friends in the line. Bring them a few malted or distilled beverages or hot chocolate, or sweets. You might earn yourself an invitation to someone else’s tarp. The tarp line is just part of the festival experience, but in the long run it doesn’t matter. By the time evening comes, folks all move around anyway and no one is sitting, so, unless the field is covered in drenching rain, tarps are irrelevant.
And another strategy. You want to be right up front? Volunteer. You work a few hours per day, get your festival pass paid for, and on Saturday nights PB has, in the past, let all the volunteers hang out in the pit for Leftover Salmon. The only way you would get any closer is by sitting on the stage itself.
Speaking of the stage, here’s a question to throw out. Have seen reports that this has been a very good winter for snowfall in T-Ride. Lots of snow means lots of melt-runoff in the spring, and the rivers will be high. They are supposed to be building a new stage this spring. Will the high snow accumulation have any impact?

The last thing anyone wants to do on a vacation where you want some sleep in the morning is run errands for some stranger so you could possibly earn some tarpage…earn?

OK well sorry Mary I tried… :lol :lol :lol

start a new thread :lol :lol :lol you guys ought to give it up already… how many years now… :lol :lol :lol love it!

:thumbsup Love and light brother.

AND since this thread is kaput Mary you can sleep in walk to fest, slide on any empty tarp for as long as you wish and when the owners come, introduce yourselves they may ask you to stay, you buy them a beer , or they may ask you to leave and graciously move to another empty…and so on. So girls, sleep the tarps will be there and they will be empty many times over. So fun is the game tarpage not so very important…

sorry Mary this thread is a wash. I know your gonna have a great time :lol :medal :cheers