Looking for a line sitter/tarp runner Friday/Saturday during the festival!!

Buckeye’s got it right. Get to the line early and help in other ways, food, pillow fluffing, coffee, love, etc. Plus remember, all the tarps are yours if they are empty, and all the full ones are an introduction away!!

Love is fest and fest is love!

Completely right. I’ve always merrily set my tarp up at the back of the field and then my wife and I go down front and squat on other’s tarps for bands we’d like to see up close.

We’ve always respectfully asked the owner’s for permission to share their tarps and made sure to thank them when we left. No one has ever refused us and we’ve met and chatted with an awful lot of awesome folks.

None of this has anything to do with tarp lines or squatting, but I’m feeling particularly appreciative of all my festivarian brothers and sisters today and can’t wait to see y’all in June. Woot!


:lol :lol :lol :lol Whats a girl gotta do to get some sleep around here!!! :lol :lol :lol nope she will not run for coffee, nope she does not want to earn crap, nope she does not want to get up early! GEESH don’t you get it. VACATION is a limited number of days for some, so yes, sleep is good.

You hard cores, Vets you yourselves farm this task out to the virgins. Who you kiddin hotdogs each one of ya. :lol

I am not taking any of this personally. I’m old, and not really anxious to run a tarp against young people. I have earned my years, and my money. If I want to spend $100 a day for a tarp runner to get extra sleep, why does it matter?! This probably shouldn’t come as a shock, but all the people I know who have been before pay people. They get in town earlier in the week and shake down the campgrounds. I won’t be in until late Thursday, hence the runner!

Dont worry, when you get to the festival there will be lots of people who will be willing to do the run for you especially if you pay them $100, dont worry. Lots of young folk at tge entrance trying to score cgeap tickets, etc, you will have no problem hiring some able bodies to line sit and run

Hey Mary! You go girl you don’t owe an explanation. There are 12000 folks and 10000 ways to do Fest 2000 do it the same every year…LOL! Those are the guys you pay to run. :lol :wink: Yes later and closer to fest. Good luck Mary! I do the same thing. No shame here. :flower Do what it takes to make it smooth runnin.

I have a funny tarp story however. Our runner got drunk, slept in and left with our tarp.LOL!!! 1 funny hitch in many years is fairly smooth runnin I’d say. :cheers Good Luck!

Yes to each their own,

But, is this a touch of Burning Man aristocracy infecting Telluride?

I’ve noticed that the front tarps have gotten a particularly corporate feeling in the last few years; since paying for a number has become a way of getting a good spot. I’m happy there’s no VIP section; I guess this is as elitist as it gets there. The other thing about having tarps in front is after dinner they get run over by kids watching the later bands, just tripping over your stuff and blocking your view anyway.

:lol Rank and file, rank and file :lol and so it goes… it all shakes out. :medal

Did you say VIP Section!!! :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :dance :dance :dance :dance Sign me up! It would make it a whole lot easier on me!!! :lol :lol :lol :medal

I mean after all, why do we work so hard our entire lives if not for the things we desire most in life? I know folks that have eaten Peanut Butter and Jelly for a year so they could climb some mountain in some distant land. Rich? NO just planned and important…
I mean really think about it. :flower

Someday your feet will fail you or perhaps your hip or knee but you will want to carry on. Grace is a beautiful thing. To manage and bend and adapt.
Judging is unacceptable on any level…Sign me up! :medal