I’ll help cook if you need it.
Your devoted servant.
I’ll help cook if you need it.
Your devoted servant.
My Fryer isn’t deep enough for a turkey but will work great for the tempora. Here’s a picture…
I volunteer my hubby to help grill some wings… What type of side dishes do you think will work?
Well… the traditional side to wings is a sour cream ranch and blue cheese dip with freshveggies… and lots of beer to tone-down the heat!
The Kaptain :cheers
That sounds great, Waldo! I know there was some chat about jello shots earlier… we’ll get your jello-shots worked-in somewhere… especially if there’s “shine” involved…
Kaptain Karlos :thumbsup
Hey Courtney! Speaking of High Sierra… I’ll be there, and I work with the giant puppet and stilt-walker group that puts-on the daily parades at High Sierra. You would love this gig, and we are always looking for volunteers to help with the puppetterring and participate in the parades. Let me know if you want to join in the fun. That goes for anyone else out there reading this post who has their interest sparked…
The Kaptain :wave
Waldo…Cuervo is more of a cleaning solvent than Tequila…bu the Jello shooters sound fabulous :cheers :cheers
Karlos, you know I can cook wings!! :thumbsup
long as it not my wings you’re cooking pirate - CLUCK cluck :lol :lol
he ducks to avoid flying bottles of cuervo.
We be talkin’ the Gran C there hippie!
ok so I guess Im gonna have to strap the weber to the top of my truck
Im in for Grilling Detail and serviving up some of my homebrew
sounds like we are gonna get good and fat this year !!
Hey - layer of fat or another layer of long-johns. :lol
Hope Lin :pickin
the cuervo makes a better projectile there pirate :rolleyes :rolleyes
i’ll stick to sipping the Gran :thumbsup
Just tuned In Jerry thanks !!!
cant wait till sunday !!!
Ok, what happens on Sunday Jerry!! :wave
Ron is going to see Railroad earth in New Mexico. :hombre :hombre
me i’m going to in recovery from pledge drive.
Cool… so it looks like the Homebrew Tasting will include wings. I’ll provide the wing-shaking and serving bowls and the sauce… lots of sauce. We have two Webers available… (Hippie’s and Ron’s) and could use a third. Anybody else bringing a Weber we could use for a few hours? It will take two cooks per Weber to get the grilling accomplished in a timely manor. So cooks… find a partner… Five-pound bags of frozen wings should be available at one of the local grocerys (I’ll check). A bag of wings will fill the top of a 22-inch Weber and will feed about 6 to 8 people. It would be a great help if a few thirsty philanthropic festivarians would purchase say nine bags of wings and the rest can bring the veggies and dip… and napkins. If you’re interested in helping-out with this event email me or just drop-in Camp Run-A-Muck prior to the Tasting for a homebrew and I’ll fill you in on the details. Thanks!
Kaptain Karlos :cheers
Karl -
Hopefully you know that I will help…
<---- monkey with wings!
Thank you Monkeygirl… I’ll factor you into the equation.
The Kaptain
Teams of two??? Rhonny, I would love to shake wings with you!!! Count me in! I :thumbsup