Let's Talk Food!

Down Boy !!!


Uhhh Karlos :wave

That Homebrew banner that has been travelling through time?

It just poppod back into my gear closet. I have now put it in a safe place that should be less subject to unstable temporal fields.

Uhh Brother Ron :wave
Is there something we can do about the shade situation for the Homebrew tasting? Maybe pay attention to the placement of the tasting table… I like my beer to be served at about 45 - 50 degrees :thumbsup


I can bring an extra easy up if I can figure out a roof rack. It’s on my list of things to do. Unfortunately, my car came with a sunroof so there’s a challenge. I should know shortly, otherwise we could probably borrow one from my delightful man friends at totally lit.


Hey Jerry… in addition to the Costco “Barn” I’m bringing for Run-A-Muck’s Kitchen, maybe I could drop-off my easy-up at your place next time I’m in the neighborhood? Got room in your truck?

Kaptain Karlos :evil

Uhh Brother Ron :wave
Is there something we can do about the shade situation for the Homebrew tasting? Maybe pay attention to the placement of the tasting table… I like my beer to be served at about 45 - 50 degrees :thumbsup

we had a Ten By EZup last year

Hey I’m new at this forum thing…hello everybody! I was thinking about bringing some biodegradable eco-friendly tableware…would anyone be interested? We are looking at some plates made of “bagasse” which is sugar cane, and some corn based clear beer cups. We would buy in quantity and split into smaller amounts for anyone interested in buying some for their camp. :bash :woohoo

That’s just brilliant. I’d like to know where to get those. My camp is small but at home I have big parties.


Karlos - sure bring it on down. But I thought we were thinking of doubling up the picking tent with the costco barn?

Let me know some prices Michelle, I might be interested in sharing that load :flower


Hey Girlfriend!! How goes the brewing? I need to talk to you guys… Private Message me ok?



That's just brilliant. I'd like to know where to get those. My camp is small but at home I have big parties.


No such thing as a small camp in townpark! “I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together…”

The company is called Eco-products out of Boulder (www.ecoproducts.com)

Michele (One L- there’s no “hell” in my name, only in my Mai Tais!)

Michelle any chance in “Hell” i can get the recipe ?
i lost the hard copy …

Pm me please or email me



Michele- WOuld love to get a supply of the eco-dishes and cups for our camp.


Hey Michele!

Thanks for making the suggestion, I’ve been wanting to make the Run a Muck kitchen compostable for several years…

I would be interested in participating in a group buy of the following

200 6 inch plates for the oyster feed
100 9 inch plates for meals
100 each Potato Starch knives forks and spoons.

If this makes sense for us to do it in one large order let me know


great Idea Jerry to this I would like to add might be wise to start bring your own plates bowls eating utensels , your favorite Past festival Koto Cup…another penny worth

Merlefest IS sounding good on XM!

Shhhhh we wasnt gonna say the M word !!


man I dont wanna go to work !

Did you know you can even bring you r"old" wine cups from the wine booth and get the discount?

There is always a discount for recycled beer cups at the KOTO beer stand… I support them liberally each year. What a cool painless way to support community radio. !

unless you drink too much beer on wednesday :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I encourage people to carry their own utensils to any meals we serve at the run a muck kitchen]


good idea Hippie :wink:

Holy gourmet cooks, Batman! You guys are nothing less than freaking amazing. Here’s the thing: I can’t cook worth squat, but I have a wallet. I also have a pair of hands made for (among other things), dishwashing, serving, and any other sort of menial labor. I also live close to Telluride and have a big truck, so just tell me what you need me to bring, do, buy, or help with. I also sing, dance, and give a mean shoulder massage. Use me as you see fit, O’ Veterans. :flower