Let's Talk Food!

You just opened yourself up to Ron’s comments…

Daniela, You might want to give someone off list your phone number because once we’re up there, and not online except for the truely hard core computer geeks, it might just come in handy. Although in the years I’ve been things generally come together.


She’s already connected with me… phone numbers anyway…
What better person to be in contact with, right? :cheers

That’s exactly what I was thinking. :cheers

Great offer Daniela! We at Run-A-Muck will take you up on your offer. You know anywhere local to get organic grass-fed beef at a reasonable price? Hippie Jerry is bringing “the kitchen sink”… really! So, we’ll lean on you to wash some dishes and then massaging the cooks latter in the evening… :wink:

The Kaptain

Im being good now …my question is how close and how much freezer room you got ?


Run-A-Muck’s looking to bbq burgers, a big roast or a few big thick steaks in camp. About 15 pounds worth of beef. If we don’t have to haul the beef out from CA it would be nice, but we’re looking for specialty beef. Not the regular kind… There is a source here for organic grass-fed… I’m wondering if there is a source somewhere between Grand Junction and Telluride.

The Kaptain

I Googled organic beef colorado …check it out , im searching


Hi Peeps!

Yes, there is a place here in Grand Junction (where I live) called “B. Finicky’s”. It has all organic, grass-fed beef. It’s not cheap, though, but no organic meat is, is it? Check out their website here and let me know if this would be acceptable. If so, just let me know what and how much you want and I’ll make it happen. I live 2.5 hours from Telluride, and will be getting there Friday evening, the 15th. Other than that, I have plenty of freezer room and would be more than happy to haul anything down for the festival! Feel free to email me offline and I’ll give you my phone number so we can chat about this further. Finally, a job for Daniela!! :flower :flower

Some one call me a hardcore geek ??

Hey Ladies :flower

Our kitchen sink design is going to require some sort of filtration to safely dispose of the grey water. Discarded panty hose work really well for this, the small mesh allows water to pass but small bits of food to be caught, which we can then compost.

Do any of you have some hose that have runs in them? We can keep them out of the landfill for another use. :thumbsup


Oh Lord Jerry… I can’t even REMEMBER the last time I wore panty-hose. I use stockings…

I could probably donate a stocking or two… would that work?


You bet MonkeyGirl - we promise not to sniff


I dont !!!

I might have some leftover from costumery - I don’t think hose will work Ronnie, they are too thick. I have some old knee highs that will work. Now I know why I’m saving them. I did find some incredible hose for costumery, remind me Ronnie to tell you about them. It might make good campfire stories but not on a public forum.

Come on Jerry don’t you have a few lying aroiund the house…I don’t think they are too expensive to buy??? :huh

No panty hose for this girl!! ICK!!! :rolleyes

ok… eewww!

Ok boy did we Digress , from food to panty hose …ok people Focus !!


Hey! No pretending like you’re not the one who sent it down the tubes, doodie!


P.S. Speaking of food… I’m doing a test run on the veg-verde. I decided to basically go the “curry” route… add potato, onions, and hominy. It ought to work out fabulously. Sort of a posole verde, if you will. ¿Cómo ese sonido, mi amigo latino?