Do you need to turn in your “Mexican” moniker 'essey?.. Especially if this Hawaiian-Irish woman knows more Spanish that you do, dude! (I know, I know… 'essey isn’t typically used by Mexicans, but my Mexican ex-son-in-law used it all the time… probably because he grew up in San Diego.)
¿Cómo ese sonido, mi amigo latino? “How does that sound, my Latin friend?”… actually should that be ¿Cómo, mi amigo Latino, ese sonido? (I always forget how to structure the sentences in French and Spanish… given my French and Spanish aren’t exactly fluent… easier for me to read than speak, thus fractured)
When I was little, in 3rd grad, they slapped me in “Speech Therapy.” Imagine this…
A little brown kid with `ehu hair (red), bright green eyes and a combination Irish brogue / Hawaiian pidgen accent… who couldn’t say her "R"s… in Iowa.
He aha ke`ano? Ahanahana hûpô wahine!(What kind of nonsense is that? Stupid girl! )
<------- Island Keko through an through (Keko = Monkey)
speaking of food - I know it was back in this thread somewhere - I made grilled marinated vegetables and thought of Jerry’s incredible veggies. Jerry, I’m bringing my vegetable grill basket - Do you have one of those? You would love it.
I usually use bamboo scewers. They work really well… In fact you can see Benay holding a platter full in the countdown slide show, I’d love to see your basket…
Jerry, is that ‘skewers’ or ‘screwers’? Here’s an example where misspelling affects the intent, not just the esthetics…
hey here are the prices I worked out tentatively for the ecofriendly tableware:
16 oz. clear beer cups :cheers(cornstarch, compostable) 50 for $6.00
6" snack plates (sugarcane, compostable) 50 for $3.50
10’ divided dinner plates (sugarcane, compostable) 50 for $8.00
12 oz. bowls (sugarcane, compostable) 50 for $5.00
Jerry’s bamboo “scewer” PRICELESS!!! :medal
Let me know if still interested, how many you would want. If I get enough interest, then I will drive up to Boulder and get them. Please only respond if you are really interested! (In the tableware, NOT Jerry’s scewer!)
I’ve used one for almost 15 years Court… They do work well once you learn how to drive em. They are GREAT for pack trips with a Pyromid stove. :thumbsup It was my only oven when the one in my airstream broke. Now I just use a dutch oven with the weber. :flower
There are a couple of better ones on the market, Chef Marc had a very cool one at Hardly Strictly last year; It was way cooler and better built than the Coleman version. I think Marcs web site it