Let's Talk Food!

Ok looks like Karlos and I are gonna do a Wing thang along with the Brew Taste


I can make an accompaning snack to go with the wings, homemade chips perhaps. I’ll start the research and get back to ya.

S–t, there goes my cholesterol :thumbsup

Ron and Karlos,

I will volunteer to help in the Kitchen :cheers :thumbsup

Good idea Courtney… I’ll pitch in on the “chips” idea… :thumbsup :thumbsup

We’ll need a bunch of Yukon gold potatoes and a gallon of peanut oil.
I’ll see if I can come up with a mandolin for slicing.

And Larry :wave We’re gonna give you a dry run for DotC in Telluride :wink: :wink:
The ? is are you ready?

Jerry, I arrrrrrrrr up for it. I love to cook so count me inon all kitchen details!!! also make sure you give me a list of things you want me to bring! :thumbsup…I am so up for Don th C!! :cheers

Hmmmm DotC??


Dead on the Creek! :cheers

Are you’all going to the High Sierra festival?

I’m not sure what that has to do with food? Let me make a connection - - -

I think I"ll cook the same dishes at the high sierra festival that I make for TB-TP festivities.

Sure looks like a great line up. and it’s only 144 miles away. :concert

OK Turkey Fry UPDATE
talked to the Fry Master , Boulder Dave that is , we have two full fry set ups and we will need one more. Hippie check the price that you can get the peanut oil and let me know .

Dave said that last time they did the fry , They had made a deal with the Old City Market in Montrose
Tom can you do a little recon for us ?
I guess we are shooting for 12 or 14 birds {no pun intended}

Thats what I have for now 58 days till rumballs

:cheers :festivarian :hombre

peanut oil - - - check check, double check. :thumbsup I’ll let you know in a week or so.

Pledge drive week at the station, i’m the go to guy in the evenings. Monday night I’m doing a special Hippie show, PLUS a huge jam band jam session from 10:00 TO midnight or so…

I’ll hang in Telluride tom’s chat room for the duration.


I have a bunch of chilles in my freezer that I can donate too… Also, I’m willing to buy one of the Turkey fry sets- someone tell me which brand is a good one… I have been trying to talk Steve into owning one for a few years but he always says “it will be clutter.” BUT, I know I can talk him into it since it is for TELLURIDE…LOL Then, I can have fried turkey for thanksgiving as well…

Youngs Poultry in Prescott distributes a really fine bird statewide in Arizona. You might ask your local butcher about it.

Dietzel has a fine bird regionally in the west.

Rocky the Range has a great turkey in northern california.

In general look for a “free range” cage free bird. Organic is even a step better.


Oh not the birds- I meant which brand fryer… :sunshine

Debbie dont buy one unless you want too … I think Karlos is bringing his


we’re set for fryers, barbecues, stoves and sinks… We are gonna need help with food for side dishes and salads. It’s gonna be surf n turf all week long.

Karolo will bring a frying set up - you guys are gonna go nuts over the veggie tempura.


Yeah! that’s what i like to hear! veggie tempura? oh yeahhhhhhh

Howdy Ya’ll,

I am new to the board, but this will be TaHelluRide Festival number 8 for me this year, and as usual I am about to pop out of my sarong in anticipation! I belive I know a few of you by name - Daniella for sure! - but I am sure faces are a much more accurate measure of friendship considering the state most of us are in for that week or so…

And speaking of that state, I have something to offer if anyone is interested. Every year myself and my posse of merry idiots have been doing themed days at the Fest - Bloodys, Tequila Sunsets (sunrise is a bit too early for Quervo…), and my speciality - jello shots. More like trays of moonshine jello that are devoured by all who desire to feel the sweet burn.

I would love to share this intoxicating goodness with you all at one of the various event either pre-show or otherwise.

We will be rolling in starting on Sunday from Longmont, so say the word and the ‘shine will be gellin’!


I’ll be serving homebrew at the Homebrew Tasting, so others will have to take-on most of the food preparation if food is to be added to the Tasting. Jerry and I did a trial batch of wings last week using a deep-fryer and the result was disappointing. The sauce works best in combination with grilled wings. If two or three folks would volunteer to barbecue wings during the Tasting, I could whip-up the sauce in advance and have it ready for the bbq. Since we had the deep-fryer going and were still hungry, Jerry put together a tempora batter that worked wonders on verggies and tasted great with the beer we were drinking… so maybe tempora instead of wings?

Kaptain Karlos :flight