Leaving Las Vegas

Dang! How could I have possibly left you out??? Look! This meant that I was about 30 - 45 minutes from seeing Hooch! And Marisol too! Yes…sadly enough the meal was bacon-free :frowning:

Actually, I’m pretty sure that’s a skirt! :lol

Sorry, I was there… Hooch’s Lampshade Hat IS FROM THE FREEBOX AS WELL! :lol We forgot to pick it up at first and he even made a second trip from Town Park to claim what became quite a work of art!

By the way, Hooch…
It needs BACON DECORATION!!! :lol

Auntie Hope

                        :wave IT'S SNOW TIME GIRLS!! :wave

I’ve got only two words for you my thin blooded friends,
flannel sheets :flower

That’s a pretty lampshade you got there, Jerry. I’ve always said you can trust a man who wears a lampshade.

My pipes are frozen today and Thursday the weather person calls for sunny skies and 60… Colorado has my heart but the weather baffels me…
How are you enjoying the winter months girls? Do you feel like strong Colorado woman yet?

:wave Just watching it snow and being amazed that just a couple of days ago it was 70! :sunshine

Looks like we should have around 6 inches of snow before end of tomorrow brrrrrr

there’s a saying about Colorado weather: If you don’t like it, wait 5 minutes. I said that to Dan today on the way to Purg. Drove out of a blinding storm to completly dry road and sunny sky for about 10 miles, then back into a blizzard!

Hey There All! :wave

Hope this finds you all well so far this year! :cheers

As some of you may already know, I am no longer working : ( .

I am searching for ways to keep afloat while in-between jobs. Here is one of my ideas I had…Um, as most of you know, I make cookies! I would LOVE to offer my cookies to any who would want/need them! At this point I would be willing to send or deliver cookies for a nominal fee/donation plus the cost of shipping if I need to ship.

*** So here’s the BEST deal if you do not live in the Denver area…USPS has a couple of boxes that are $10.35 priority flat-rate shipping with 2-3 days delivery time one box can fit around 75 regular cookies (toll house type etc.) and the other I can stuff around 96 cookies into! The deal I have to offer is…$66 gets you a box stuffed with approx. 96 delicious cookies (your choice of flavors) OR for $56 you can have approx. 75 fresh baked delicious cookies to keep to yourself or share with your friends!

Cookies will last in an airtight container at room temp. up to 2 weeks and they can also be frozen to enjoy at a later date! ***

Right now I have in-house a new recipe I found for chocolate peanut butter with peanut butter chips and my ever-so-wonderful chocolate chip w/pecans. I’ve been baking a most excellent banana-nut bread (nuts can be omitted if needed) which would ship well also.

I figure this would be a good way to keep my head above water and share my cookies too!

Oh Yeah! I also am good at whipping up some wicked white chicken chili! It will freeze and travel with cornbread VERY well!

Thanks All !!! : )


WoW! How things change…I never actually thought I would part myself with my shiny red truck :drive but after 10 years of a love-hate relationship with it I am preparing for the separation. :ball Here’s hoping I can get her sold soon and get myself into a vehicle more suited to Colorado and my budget!


So there’s this St. Patricks day parade going on in Denver on Saturday…I hear this rumor that there will be some Flamingans doubling as Colorado ParrotHeads that will be in the parade. Seems they have some 40’ float and some 60 marchers. Some whisper about Flamingo Michelle being ON the float…something to do with mixology/mixologist?

I will be there with 8GB of camera space to catch this sight.

If you live in the Denver area you should come out for this event!

Here is a link to the event info http://www.countingpix.com/

I think it is the perfect recipe for a good time!

Festivarians Unite! Wooooo Whoooooo

Sounds Like a “Mighty Fine” Time !!
Have a Green Beer for me !

:cheers Well Ron…I’m not a beer drinker but I DID have some green Jello shots…will that do? :drunk

Stay tuned…pictures to follow…and a WONDERFUL Denver story too!

Much Love Mlady !

Here’s a couple of shots (not Jello!) from the St. Paddys Day parade … :drunk

Would you let your child take candy from this guy?

Well…she’s gone. I sold my truck last Monday. I will surely miss that truck as it was a grand part of my character.

I suppose though, that at least 2 good things came out of this :

  1. I no longer own a vehicle that gets 7-10 mpg.
  2. The truck went to the best home it could possibly have.
  3. It was a trade and ca$h deal so I spent no time without transportation.

I now own a '94 Honda Civic ex 4 door just like everybody else! How the heck am I ever gonna find my car in a parking lot now??? :bubbles

I got visitation rights to the truck so I will get to see it come along as the new owner does all those things I never got to do.

So these are the final moments I got to spend with my Red Beauty…
There she goes…pulling away from the curb…
Buh Bye my Beautiful Red Truck…Buh Bye…I shall miss you

Oh how sweet Connie… He even brought a trailer along??? Cool

Tie a pink flamingo to your new honda antenna, that way you’ll aways find it in a parking lot. Just don’t whack it… You might break the antenna :love


My car was tryin’ to hide in the snow!..as if it wasn’t hard enough to spot it in a parking lot already!!!