Leaving Las Vegas

1st truck at F 1/2 (the point of meltdown)

2nd truck at Antonellis

These one’s are pretty explainable!!!

:wave Glad you made this trip OK and I know you absolutly will love living here. :medal
ENJOY! :sunshine Did you know we have more sunny days than FL?

>>Did you know we have more sunny days than FL?

and with much less humidity!! :slight_smile:

so we are gonna need a 10X10
for Velvatina

Connie - welcome to Colorado! It was great meeting you at RockyGrass - even if it was only for a short time after you set down your tarps.

If you need anything - please let me know - I live around your area too. It is always great to see my festivarian friends!


those pics are great! thanks for sharing and enjoy the cool mtns. here in CO.

:wave So…I guess I’m pretty much officially a Colorado resident now that I’ve traded in my Nevada driver licence for a Colorado one huh?

It’s pretty strange for me as I have never been licensed to drive anywhere but Nevada…oh yeah…I’ve not lived anywhere else for many years! (at least since driving age!)

That pretty red truck of mine is being punished and will not receive a washing due to it costing me more money! sheesh! It’s red for a reason and that is because if I keep it it will keep me in the red!

Again a big Thanks to Tony & Teresa for referring me to their friend who owns a repair shop! Looks like I am on hold for a job there also! Their friend has a tow company and I will be their next driver!

Byron & Kent’s band, The Trippin Griswolds play on Wednesdays in Parker and we all went out to cheer them on last Wed…what a hoot that was! Looks like the plan is to go out again next Wed. to see them play!

In the meantime…all is well here in Denver and I am very glad to be here!

Thanks again to all who welcomed us and made us feel right at home…you know who you are!

Peace out for now from Denver…

Connie :slight_smile:

wait… the Byron and the Kent (across from camp get enough?)

Yup! Those would be the ones! Here is a link to some photos Thanks to Jen!


:wave Soooooo…seems that job thing kinda fell through or somethin’…
Anyhow…This is what I have been doing with my spare time (or would that be ALL my time!)

go here for more http://denver.craigslist.org/art/880523196.html

:thumbsup So…the work thing actually came through! I’ve been working a LOT! I am enjoying the countryside…what a beautiful time to travel the area!

Check this out!

And there’s this one too! I’ve been photo documenting most of the destinations I have been to…fun! :drive This one is at the top of Vail Pass

:wave Nice Connie :wave Hope you love it here I do… :flower

How come you didn’t document having lunch with me last week??

Could it be that you forgot the extra crispy bacon?


WHAT??? Since when am I anything but memorable??? God, I’m losing my touch. I’d better go practice in a mirror.

Ah. True. The lunch was bacon-free. But it was not my fault because I met her straight from work. No time to cook ceremonial bacon.

My lampshade is cooler than yours… And it’s from the freebox…


Ewwwww it’s an ensemble… love how your pants match yer shade Jerry. A vision of true,