Leaving Las Vegas

:wave Well hello all!

Just wanted to give all Denver area Festivarians the heads-up here!

I, after spending the great majority of my life in Las Vegas (not really so fabulous), have decided that it is time for a change of scenery and will be re-locating myself to Denver!!!

Seems Festival has the power to prompt change in a person.

I will be moving that direction with Jen (gipper)! Thank goodness for GREAT friends to help make the change easier.

We will both be in Denver on July 20th and will be spending that week looking for housing (if we haven’t found some by that time…fingers crossed!).

We will both be at RockyGrass and then I fly back home to pack and then make my departure from Vegas.

I will be in need of employment so if anybody has or knows of any opportunities for me PLEASE, PLEASE, p.m. me or feel free to e-mail me at slothmama2002@yahoo.com .

I have many skills and am a dedicated trustworthy worker. (great sense of humor too :slight_smile: ! )

I have no problem with temporary work until I figure out what i want to do when I grow up!!!

Any help in housing and/or employment is Highly & greatly appreciated!

Get ready Denver…Here we come!!!

Woo Hoo! :hop :hop :hop

Now I’ll have someone else to visit on the way to Rockygrass each year. :flower

:wave Jen & I have secured residence!!!

Jen is departing So Cal on the 16th and I will be departing Vegas aka Hell on Earth on the 20th.

Jen has a job lined up for now and I do not have anything solid for employment just yet.

We are both excited about the new digs and ALL the music there is to see and hear in the Denver area!

Both of us will be attending RockyGrass!!!

Thanks to everyone who offered housing! Very, very generous! Greatly appreciated!!! What a way to make a person feel welcomed home!!!

We hope Denver is ready for us 'cause we’re coming!!!

See all you fellow Coloradians very soon!

Connie :flower

Quote from: monkeygirl on Yesterday at 06:00:42 PM
OK… All you Coloradoans… Coloradoites… Coloradoanians… whatever…

This is for all you new residents to Colorado. WE are COLORADANS. Hope this clears up the confusion. In case you need specifics, go here:


However, if you live in Durango, you are a Durangatang

Okay Connie LV soon-to-be Connie D. This is for you too since you’re new.
And I forgot to mention, if you’re from Cortez, you’re a hick!

:thumbsup Get ready Denver!!! Jen (if all wnet as planned) has departed So Cal this morning and will be taking the I-40 route stopping in Flagstaff to visit with the Wonderful Tiki Girls (I am jealous!) and also stopping in Albuquerque before her Saturday morning landing in Denver!

I am still packing (mostly unpacking to pack!) and am still on schedule for a Saturday night departure from Vegas.

I wanna drive outta here at night…no need to see the dirt hills for miles as I have been looking at them thar dirt hills for many years! (Hey! That rhymes!!)

I plan to drive as far as I can Saturday night, sleep when tired and land in Denver sometime on Sunday.

Depending upon my arrival time I may not unload the trailer until Monday.

A HUGE Thanks to all that have offered help! I’ll be calling you!

As soon as we get settled we’ll have a BBQ…I’ve been known to make a wonderful London Broil!!!

Oh yeah…let’s not forget the cookies…there will be some of those too!

ok…that’s all for now…I must go pack more stuff!

See you in Denver!

Connie :slight_smile:

K…gotta sneak this in! :bubbles

:wave Your gonna love it here.



Yes, you’re going to like not being in all that HEAT! I thought you said you were coming out for RG and then going back to get your stuff, but it sounds like that is no longer the case. Have a very safe trip, and keep up posted! :flower

Rhonny give me Gips number in a PM
So we can cover her here…

:wave Well alrighty then… This is my final post from Fabulous (not really) Las Vegas!!! :hop

There is a trailer attached to my truck and it is stuffed full of my stuff…man I’ve got a lot of stuff (some call it crap)!

I’ll be on the road within a half-hour to begin my journey to wonderful Colorado! :drive

Hope you had a nice trip. I’ll be doing the same shortly. Can’t wait to see you in NO,LA.


I wish you all three love and light in your new places of residence. It’s kind of odd that we’ve all decided to make these major changes in our lives this year. Is something in retrograde or some other planetary influence?

I for one am loving my new digs. Last night I went outside and listened. There was not a single sound… not an ambulance, a car… nothing. It was fabulous.

xoxo R

Where are you Rhonnie? I missed that thread or post.


PS. Don’t mind me for spelling your name different every time I write it. Keeps those creative juices flowing.

Tis’ the season for moving I guess! I’m just moving up the hill - but I sure wish I was moving to Colo. instead!! Can’t wait to visit ya’ll and get my fix, but it may be awhile. In the meantime, Connie, I’m sending good move in vibes your way :vibes.

I can’t wait to see you and Jen at Pickin’ in the Pines in Sept!!! - Janet

Hey there Court - spell my name however you want. I’m not bothered.

I moved above Boulder… close to Nederland. It’s beautiful… see?

The front yard:

The BIG backyard:

Nice spot Ronnie!! We are neighbors, I live just up HWY. 72 from you :wave
I think I have a line on a Sunday ticket, hope to find you at RG :flower
I will be the shark, I mean girl without chair or tarp.

I’ll keep an eye out for ya darlin’!

xoxo R

Holy S …Rhonny !!!
sweet spot !

:thumbsup Hey!!! I made it!!! The drive from Vegas to Denver turned out to be a test! I had Flat Ron to keep me company on the trip he’s not much of a conversationalist but he sure draws attention! My mind was set on just driving straight through and getting here as fast as possible (I was on a mission)! My truck, on the other hand, saw things MUCH differently. I ended up arriving in Denver around 3am on Tuesday July 22 after a Sunday departure from Vegas. My pretty red truck was VERY slow going with that trailer FULL of my life especially on those big looooong climbs over the mountains. It took me a whole day to get to Fruita where I stopped for gas and was just way too tired to drive (even though GJ was just 11 miles further) so I layed down in my truck to get some much needed sleep, woke around 6:30am and got myself back on the road ONLY to have an issue with my truck which set me into meltdown on the side of the road… now comes the good stuff… Amazingly, once our Festivarian Family found I was in distress the troops came to my rescue! Have I mentioned that we have the BEST, most amazing Family in the Universe, yes, I said Universe!!! Never in all my years in Vegas had I felt so much love! So there I sat in my truck at F 1/2 (funny…F 1/2!) in Grand Junction sobbing like a baby and then the phone calls started…First Kenny (of Kenny & Deanna) and his friend came and gave a quick look at my truck to try to determine what exactly the issue was and then Hooch got involved and happened to have a mechanic close to where I was, Kenny followed me to the mechanics shop (if ANYBODY ever needs a mechanic in GJ I suggest you try Hoochs guy at Antonellis he was a miracle!) I was in & out in less than an hour and did NOT have to give and arm OR a leg for the repair! Of course, as all this was going on Flat Ron was no help whatsoever, he just threw his arms up and guffawed at the whole thing! After all this emotional rollercoaster I was in need of a shower, fresh clothes and some relaxation before continuing my adventure to Denver. Hooch gave me directions to the WalMart (hate them but they sure come in handy from time to time) for fresh clothes (I hadn’t even thought of keeping a change of clothing handy…der!) and then directions to his home where he met me to allow me in and got me all settled in and comfortable (the only rule was NOT to eat the bacon he had purchased for Rockygrass!) and he returned to work to complete his day. Flat Ron decided to make himself very comfortable at Hoochs by wearing Hoochs tye-dye robe and chillin’ in Velvetina. I also had the honor to chill in the famous Velvetina! After a day of rest I had dinner with Hooch and a friend of his and then hit the road running for the final leg of my journey. So far my landing has been a soft fluffy one! My priorities upon my arrival were : unload trailer, return trailer, unpack kitchen gear, bake cookies for Rockygrass, pack for Rockygrass, and go to Rockygrass! First things first, you know!
Rockygrass… Well now, that is a whole different story to be told later!

Anyhow…a HUGE THANK YOU to my whole Festivarian Family and especially Kenny, Deanna and of course Hooch! Of course I cannot forget to mention Jen who stepped up when I asked her if she was open for a roommate which started this whole thing rolling!
Oh yeah! I also can’t forget to mention Tony & Teresa for coming over and helping move furniture and stuff up all those stairs we have! What would we have done without them???

I love you ALL tremendously and without my Family this whole endeavor would have been very difficult.

Stay tuned as we are planning a BBQ soon for all the Denver Festivarian Family!

That’s all for now… I will post more as the memory bubbles pop and memories flow out! :bubbles

Love You ALL!
Connie :flower

p.s. pictures to follow!

Heya sweety
Glad you landed safe and sound !
Courtney left Abq this morning and is on the road heading
to The Big Easy
we need to send good Karma her way
much Love

k…Here are some pics…

1st The truck and trailer before departing Vegas

2nd Flat Ron being no help!