Last-ish chance for '08 TBF Feedback >>>>

Get to the dust problem or do I need to bring a hose for the Jailhouse/Wander-In area?

I haven’t heard one way or the other on the watering truck, so I’d say bring the hose…just in case.

You can always chase Ron around/ away with it. :evil

Hey now Ive been a good Boy !
:evil :cheers :evil

Oh the Things Ron will figure out, keep the hose away from him… :lol

You were a good boy in 2004 - once, because you had too… :evil :evil :evil :evil


my vote is for away! SUR!

all of yall are Sooooo In Trouble !
:evil :cheers :evil

Take it out on EJ… as usual! :evil

Auntie Hope :festivarian2 :green

Oh No EJ is the Innocent one … I know who all the real Trouble makers are !
:evil :cheers :evil