If Anyone From New Belgium Brewing is Looking...


It gets so HOT that a beer like Blue Paddle would be mighty good while sitting in a river listening to bluegrass.

I heartily concur with my esteemed colleague.

Prosit! :thumbsup

I esteemedly occur with my hearty college!

I mean…Yes! Bring beer! Thanks New Belgium!

I personally will have a LARGE stash of Fat Tire cans!!

i mockingly concur with my deranged, i mean, esteemed buddies!!

wait a min, i don’t even like pilsner! :rolleyes

Just bring it ALL!
We’ll drink it! :cheers

Does New Belgium have an IPA?

If not, get on it! ;-}

Woo Hoo!


You’re request for Blue Paddle has officially been sent to NBB.



Oskar Blues Beer Should Be Sold at RockyGrass!

I love Lyons, love the festivals, my favorite venue. But this beer thing bugs me.

They are Local! Support your local Brewery! Your local merchants!

Seems Like a no-brainer to me. Why can’t New Belgium deal with competition?

Why can’t Planet Blue Grass insist that the local brewery be represented?

I tend to agree, but Ft. Collins isn’t exactly very far away :slight_smile:

But I thought last year you could pick up cans at the Oscar Blues food both, but tap would be better.
Lucky for me I have a Dale’s Ale on tap across the road, I’ll just fill up before hand

Oh, and don’t forget THE “Mothership Wit”! That was delicious last year!

It is probably because New Belgium is a very green company. They fit with the Planet Bluegrass’ sustainability ideology and practices.

One more vote for Mothership Wit - great beer

It is probably because New Belgium is a very green company. They fit with the Planet Bluegrass’ sustainability ideology and practices.
New Belgium may share sustainability ideologies (say that five times fast!) with Planet Bluegrass, but the bottom line is they are a sponser, they pay money and in exchange get exlusive rights to the beer sales.

Let’s break this down - wouldn’t it be more “green” to get the beer brewed right here in Lyons? “support your local merchants” - That was the progressive mantra I heard at festivals my whole life, which is really a very “green” statement long before “go green” was ever a buzzword.

I have nothing against New Belgium, and I’m sure glad they sponser the festivals, and I’m sure glad it’s not a big Budweiser sign on the silo. I just want to be able to order a delicious Dale’s Pale, and the fact they can’t sell their beer just rubs me wrong.

New Belgium Brewery Rocks!!! The perfect beer for a perfect festival…I can walk over to Oskar’s and sample their brews at the end of the show.

And let me just shout from the highest mountain in agreement: BRING BACK THE BLUE PADDLE!!!

New Belgium is a great company, but I prefer Odells products any day of the week. I wish New Belgium would make some hoppy beers. What’s the deal with that? I’m bummed they discontinued Loft in favor of the Skinny Dip. Skinny Dip is good, but not at the expense of killing Loft. At least I can still buy a Dale’s in a can at the festival to get my hop fix. My $0.02


While I agree that it would be nice if NBB had a hoppy beer…it wouldn’t be a “belgium beer” if they did. I don’t believe any traditional belgium beers are excessively hoppy as we in the US have come to love.

thus…the reasoning for them not having made one. (or at least my reasoning)

Fat Tire is about as hoppy as New Belguim gets IMO, and it’s one of my favorites. :cheers

I see your point Dustin, but not all New Belgian beers are nessecarily “Belgian” style beers like Saison or Trippel. For example, Pilsners I associate more with Germany, although there are belgian pilsners too. Anyhow, here’s to good ol’ hoppy american pale ales and IPA’s!! :cheers