How to ask your neighbor to ....

I am front and stage left(faceing stage right) most of fest…see you all there most definately for Bela… :medal

It’s a date! I’ll buy the beer! :wink:

Bela’s set!!! :thumbsup

I watch a short woman ask two tall dudes to sit, which they did. How did YOU handle relations with your neighbor?

I had to be told once to shut up, which I certainly deserved, and I complied.

I’ve had good fortune w/ cupping my ears towards the stage, although some friends have been in mid-conversation while I’m doing this, they tend not to talk w/ me anymore, phew. Friends have infinite capacity for love, and humor.


there’s always a clapper…

Dang. I hate that.

You mean someone with arhythmic tendencies?

Back in the day we’d bring enough kind to keep the blanket up front well irie and enough to subdue the less considerate neighbors into submmission w/ a request for their consideration of the Naks or AKGs. Worked just fine.