How to ask your neighbor to ....

Thats almost as bad as the clappers

Sad Mendelssohn :lol :lol :lol

I am always delighted by your poem posts Dan…
Bliss :angel :sunshine yes for just 4 short days and nights…

:lol :lol :wink:

I think it depends on the person behind you and there singing talent. If they can ad a little soprano-style harmony to Del, then I’m okay with it. If it sounds like Johnny Rotten trying to sing like Ralph Stanley, then that voice probably deserves to be squirted with a water gun… or at least a piece of gum to occupy the mouth of the musically inept.

Off-key singers just don’t mix with bluegrass!

Way to make me feel welcome Joe :frowning: :spill



You’re fine with us… as long as those banjos are in tune. :evil

Auntie Hope :festivarian2 :green

On the free tarpin’ thread, there is the question of how to deal with a bunch of people on your tarp when you return and you don’t have room. Any suggestions?

Yeah Home Honey Im High …Get the F off …
sorry Evil Twin Brother typing
:evil :cheers :evil

I’m sure that would work.

A couple years ago I was on the floor at a Crosby Still Nash Young concert in a stadium. The people behind us were adamant that we sit down. Of course the 11 rows in front of us were standing up, so it was a tough sell. So many people with differing expectations, so many ways to get frustrated when you leave the house.

If I need to interject, to learn somebody some manners, its like uncorking d-day. I can’t find the calm way to do that. This is just me, I’m not prescribing anything for anyone, but if I can’t move on I do a bit of a meditation to chill out, let go. You can sometimes enjoy the wackiness or whatever behavior is at play. My uncorked state when I’m frustrated isn’t good for anyone. I become the problem. Its good to know that about yourself. If I go in with different expectations, I dont’ feel ripped off by someone acting out in ways I don’t understand.

We all respond to irritations or frustrations differently. When reality and our expectations don’t match, it is easy to become angry. To be aware of that certainly helps. I have to say that I come to TBF with the expectation that I am going to have a great time and that any problem that arises around me can be dealt with pleasantly and with a resolution. It probably will require a compromise, but at TBF compromises usually don’t require much more than acknowledging what is happening and finding a comfortable solution. Acting from a place of love is usually the best way to deal with any situation at TBF. Knowing in advance that lots of people occupy a relatively small area has made us trust each other, and be respectful, even if you someone to act a little differently, not be so loud, or give you your tarp space back.
Over the years I have grown to love that about Telluride on the solstice and I hope that I can be a part of the whole that we can all love together. It is not to pretend that with this many people, no irritations will arise, it is that with our TBF Spirit, the irritations remain minor.

Our first trip out to The Festival I was appalled and offended when the people around us would talk during the sets that we hand driven for two days to hear. Being a reserve, shy person I did not say anything to them, other than disapproving glances. By our second or third festival, I realized that this is a “festival”, not everyone hero worships the same musicians as I do. Everyone has driven miles, hours and days to get there and they are probably with friends they haven’t seen in many moons with a lot of visiting and rebonding to do. I am not saying I still do not appreciate a quiet respect when Peter Rowan is singing my favorite tunes that I have heard him play and sing twenty million times, but this is a FESTIVAL. I need to just to take it in stride. If I really need to see a musician and hear him critically I visit his website and see where they might be playing in some small auditorium/venue a little closer to home, and catch him off the festival circuit.

Now there is always and exception to the rule, I would talk all the way through a Beatles set.

But then thats just me… :evil :evil

I realized that I talk through church so I formed my own, and I get to talk as much as I like, only not in the listening area at TBF. the other thing is that with nobody listening, I can do it all in my head. :flower

So how do you ask your neighbor to talk so you can hear his English accent? Give them Irish whiskey?

No, usually you just have to say something dumb like,

“Ive been to England, London, do you live anywhere near there ?”

and you will illict a responce. :lol :lol

How about “I’ve been a lil’ undone, how bout a lift to the loo.”

Bravo, Hope!! Well said!
I am SOOO looking forward to Bela & Toumani. I will be front & center for their set. :flower

I’ll be right next to you , Sweetie! :flower

I am excited about Bela as well. I don’t consider African music as an odd sound anymore. the rhythms are different, so you have to pay attention, but it certainly is one of the main roots of American music. Hope there is room for more down in front.