Hello Festivarians!!!

Hello all! :wave We are so excited to attend TBF for our first year! We are a music and outdoors loving family of 5. Kids are 6,3,1.

Would love to connect with other families camping at TP and to be involved with and contribute to any group activities. Love bloodymarys and definetly plan to bring some fixins.

Any advice or tips would be great. Have already gotten some great info from the forum and am appreciative that it exsists. Look forward to having a great time and making some new friends/family.

Thanks, Amanda

Howdy Mandikae …welcome to the Fold !!
1st were are you camping ??

Town Park, we wanted to be as close to the fest as possible. Love being able to hear the music at the tent.

well then next question is when you arriving ???

Well, not positive, but are hoping to arrive sometime Wednesday evening.

OK Im gonna Private message you …

Be very carefull, Ive never been the same after Ron private messaged me the first time! :lol :lol :lol

And don’t buy anything he’s selling!!!

Be very carefull, Ive never been the same after Ron private messaged me the first time!

None of us have ever been the sane after…

It makes me feel so cheap and ashamed :blush

So that’s what happened, I was sane once, but then I got a PM from Ron.


None of us have ever been the sane after…

So that’s what happened, I was sane once, but then I got a PM from Ron.

ROFL Good catch on that typo or maybe it was a freudian slip… :lol

There are three kinds of men. The one that learns by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest get a PM from Ron.

Welcome to the maddness, Amanda!

Auntie Hope :festivarian2 :green

Geez Guys Thanks for the Love !

I know he made a man outa me, first call…

Thanks, there is no place I’d rather be…

Well shiiiiit… What does it make us when we start gettin drunk dialed by Ron…?
:lol :cheers

(in my best southern belle voice)

WhyFamily, of course! :lol

Auntie Hope :festivarian2 :green

Look! Ron killed their dog! Stay away…

Carefull rob I were your tent will be. !