Hello Festivarians!!!

hey there, amanda! this will be our first TBF as well. i can’t believe what a fun place this forum is to hang out, and what a wealth of information it offers. i hope you’re having as much fun as we are, and i can’t wait to meet a fellow “festivirgin” in town park! :cheers

Even thought you’re not flat, I can still put you in jail!
But this is their post…So…is Mandikae the dead dog in the picture?
Hopefully this adventure to Town Park can cure your all’s animal cruelity. You are going to meet alot of great folk, including the Jailhouse boys! Please stop by for a cocktail! And…Wednesday morning is the PJ breakfast and if you all want to jump in, the help is appreciated. Look forward to meeting you all!
Jailhouse Rob
:quote :hop :quote :hop :quote :hop :quote :hop

No dead dog here. I want to be a part in the experience as much as possible. Tell me what I can contribute and I am there.

A little concenred about children free camps, though. We take our kids everywhere. We are a family unit and that stands strong.

I am up for any contribution and want and am willing to be a part as much as possible, but the babes are going to be a part of what ever we do.

Let me know what I can contribute to any meals Wednesday evening and beyond. I love community and want to help out and be a part of any way I can.

Lots of love, Mandi

I like the way you think!!! :flower :hug

We agree about the Babes coming along for the ride! Many of them have been raised in Town Park year after year, and I think they’re pretty cool kids, to tell you the truth! Check out the “Festi-Motivator” thread to see the latest from Gipper. You’ll see the Little Festivarians are all around! :baby

Auntie Hope :festivarian2 :green

I wouldn’t worry Mandi. While town park is no doubt about it a grown-up playground and there is lots of stuff going on not usually part of his life (smoking, cursing, men wearing sparkly women’s clothing, loud nightime wahooing) our son Sam (5) has been going his whole life and hasn’t picked up even one of these habits. :wink:

Seriously, it’s a blast, there are lots of family-friendly people and/or fun-for-everyone alternatives if you’re feeling a little uncomfy or just need to walk away for a bit. I would highly recommend you get there asap though. The entire campground fills fast and having some choice about where to throw down will be nice when thinking about proximity to late night jams if you have any light sleepers or a short fuse for nightime (or otherwise)noisy neighbors. Plan to be really cozy with the folks you camp near.

I wouldn’t worry Mandi. While town park is no doubt about it a grown-up playground and there is lots of stuff going on not usually part of his life (smoking, cursing, men wearing sparkly women’s clothing, loud nightime wahooing) our son Sam (5) has been going his whole life and hasn’t picked up even one of these habits.

KYM- This made me spew my diet coke… I know you were being serious but I had a mental image of all our boys dressed up in sparly dresses, smoking, curisng and throwing down some beers…LOL ( I do look forward to them doing this together in maybe 15 - 20 years though still in Town Park and they allow us to come) Oh mine do some loud night time festivaaaaaaaaaal screams…

Back to topic, we have festi-kids as well. They are 11 and 13- this is their respective 12th and 14( 15th if youcount gestation) festivals… As far as I can tell, they havent been traumatized by any of the adult happenings in town park either and for the most part they are neat kids too… In fact, I can’t wait for school to be over ) and get them to “wholesome” town park versus the middle school enviroment.

Serious shmerious. Glad you got a giggle Deb.

You bet, Mandi, kido’s are always welcome in our camp! They have all kinds of stuff for the kids to do.
As far as helping out for the breakfast…Nobody has done any thing about some fresh fruit to go with the Benny’s. Any left overs can go to the Rumballs, which is the official festival kickoff later that day. (fresh fruit with a mix of liquors…one cup is all you will want to have!) Another event not to miss!
First year for us doing the PJ Breakfast, but hting it is going to be a hit and planning on doing it every year as part of the pre-fest. Nobody should go away hungry!

Yes, speaking of Rumballs…
Deb and some other Mom’s always do a booze free cooler of “No Rum~Fresh Fruit balls” for the shorter Festivarians. Maybe if there’s extra fruit from the benny’s it can go in the Rum Free Cooler!



Auntie Hope :festivarian2 :green

And we love you Hope!

I would love to help out with the breakfast, but unfortunately we are not arriving until Wednesday evening. Any other plans after that time I would love to contribute. I plan on bringing alot of food and fun things for the kids to do and plenty to share. Hopefully next year we can plan to come for the whole week, but not working out this year.

Just want to say thanks for all the loving response. Can’t wait to actually be there and meet everyone. The kids are up for everything and always amaze me at how easy going they are at festivals and how much good they get out of them and the people that we meet. I am sure this experience will be the same. It just looks so beautiful there, Marlee (my daughter) literally started jumping up and down today when I was showing her the pics of where we will be camping and the beautiful mountains. Love that. Peace out and good night.

What a trip!! ~ Wouldya believe my son’s name is Marley? Great minds, lol… Too bad he’s not joining me this year…