Hot tub, Hot coffee, sunrise kissing the Colorado mountain tops, soft Jerry D in the backround and off in the distance, the ever so faint aroma of ,Bacon :flower
We are so gonna die
at our advanced years how much more Bacon can we
eat …Im already on the freaking meds for Diabetes and High Choletro how ever its spelled
Oh well More Bacon !!!
As Gov I herby declare October as :medal :quote Bacon appreciation month :quote :medal
So that we can spend the month learning all the great things that Bacon can do. :hop :hop :hop
Yours truly Gov A to the J :pipe2
May I have some crispy Bacon ?
Ditto for Flagstaff. Wifi-girl made bacon this morning and kindly fed me. Last night was a jagged exercise in self-toxication. We all assembled at Gary and Dwayne’s for the debate. AS a coping strategy we turned into a drinking game. 'Course anything that the Tiki-crew does is a drinking game…
Anyway, we identified core McCainisms that when uttered required everyone to drink. He delivered. We drank. And now my head really hurts.
But Janet made me bacon. Can I just say how cool it is to have a cool roommate who cooks you bacon and coffee on mornings like this???
That’s just brilliant. I wish I was there. They put me to sleep. Now I have to go see it again on TIVO. I swear I wanted to see the whole thing. I also want a fact checker for each time they say the other person did this or voted for that. I really want to know the truth if there is one.
I know what you mean about needing a fact checker. It’s hard to really trust any of them really. We are realy looking forward to the debate on Thursday. NOW that will be entertainment!