Complete Virgin - Help Required for 2009

I am a complete TBF virgin but looking to break my duck in 2009.

Can anyone help me out with the basic stuff - how to get tickets, how early I can get tickets, where to stay/camp etc. Two of us will be travelling from the UK and flying into Denver and prob hiring a small car for the duration and then touring onwards.

It looks a fantastic festival, to attend would be a dream realised.



Town Park offers the best experience in my opinion. Planet Bluegrass holds a lottery, I beleive in November, for those tickets. to thoroughly enjoy the Town Park experience, you’ll want to arrive early enough for ABGAT (Advance Bluegrass Assault Team).
read through the threads on this list and most if not all of your questions will be answered. anyone here will be happy to answer any questions you may still have.

We’ve had lots of folks in the last few years make that same adventure.

Download the song Packing for Telluride : Packing for Telluride MP3

There are some old threads you might want to read. Here’s the one’s I suggest:

[url=,16.0.html]Town Park Virgin Get Your Answers Here[/url] [url=,2498.0.html]Festi Motivators[/url] [url=,2498.0.html]How to Prepare for Town Park[/url] [url=,803.0.html]Festivarian Dictionary[/url] [url=,708.0.html]First time to TBG[/url] [url=,3377.0.html]4 Newbie Girls need Festival 411[/url] [url=,2919.0.html]Packing for Telluride[/url] [url=,3212.0.html]Various Questions...First Timers at Town Park[/url]


You are very wise to begin planning this early. Many of us were planning for next year’s festival before this year’s festival was even over. Read through Courtney’s links and that should take care of many of your initial questions.

We’ve had several UK visitors the last couple years from Isle of Man and also Chelmsford. Hopefully next year they will all return. If they do come back then perhaps you guys can set up a British colony in the campground and then we can sneak into your camp at night and dump all your tea into the river!!! Wouldn’t that be fun?!? Just like old times!

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol = means in Forumspeak - I love your sense of humor, you make me laugh out loud. :flower

Courtney Dear,
Did Jen give a copy of the Dehydration festimotivator to Sammy Himself?
She should!!!

Sammy has seen the Festi-Motivator in question. :cheers

Since Hooch hasn’t asked, do you folks eat bacon? :pig

Auntie Hope :pickin :green

what is that you’re talking about?

Look at a topic titled “Festi-Motivators! Post your own!” which is currently on page 12 of the forum near the bottom.

:wave You do realize that we like to sacrifice virgins :evil


He Isnt Kidding !!!
Ex Virgins step up and Testify !!!

I was apparently slip some drug, either in my rum drink or my mushroom tea, and found myself the next morning waking up naked in a stranger’s tent sticky. I can’t recall much more than that, but I wasn’t called a virgin no more.

Yes, they have NO mercy and it does kinda hurt the next morning
:bacon is supposed to help but i found :cheers worked better…

Forced slave labor in these ‘kitchens’ on-site. :lol :lol :lol

Forced ???
I think not !

You’re so far away from being a Festi-Virgin it’s not even funny. You stay out of this! :lol

Auntie Hope :pickin :green

Yes I know
I am a festi God !

Oh the Smieting I will get for that !

So theres some sort of initiation stuff to go through ? Thats cool. :cheers

We’re planning to fly to Denver and drive to TBF picking up some gear as we go as we will only bring the bear essentials on the plane. Are they any camping etc shops nearby ?

We’re not festival novices having experienced the smallish ( Wickerman Festival) to the tooooo large
“Glastonbury -thatll be £4.00 please”.

No stranger to tent activity but need advice on whether will need to take precautions over getting a frozen ass.

There are shops in town which are priced fairly for a town not too close civilization.

But on the way to Telluride you’ll probably head through Montrose which has a Target which should have your camping needs at a lower price.

It can get ass freezin’ at night, 30 or so, but it can also be 50 at night (F, not C, so that -1 and 10 or so your scale)