Thanks Hooch. :flower
Here’s the update from Rob Carney’s niece this morning, and also gives an indication of the long road this virus puts you on if it gets in your system.
“Daily Update -
He breathed for about 8 hours on his own yesterday and they are going to continue to lengthen the time. He is still having a lot of phlegm (I really hate that word!) and they are having to suction a lot so they aren’t ready to fully let him be off the ventilator yet. We did start the conversation about what the next steps would look like if and when he has two negative Covid tests - out of isolation/Covid unit to regular ICU then to the medical floor then to rehab facility, etc. Still a lot of caution from the doctor regarding being prepared for set backs and that the healing process will be long and arduous. Thank you to those who are sharing the posts with others and to those who have reached out. We cannot get anything into the hospital at this time so while I am thankful for the offers I would save them until when we can get them to him in the rehab facility.”
Grand Junction folks, yes, Rob will be in your area for the time being.
From Rich Gannon…
“Hey hey thanks for checking… I’m outta the symptoms and maybe just a bit weak from the ordeal. I’m back to eating and feeling as normal as possible for me!
Moving on and glad it’s behind me… hope y’all can skip this experience!
Agin thanks I’m clear of this and moving on to all!”
And from Rob Carney’s niece today…
They are going to be moving Rob out of the Covid-19 isolation to regular ICU so that he can start getting some PT and OT (he has not had two consecutive negative tests yet so they are still waiting for that to occur). He is still not lucid but is off the vent full time and seems to be maintaining a decent level of oxygen. The doctor talked about the plan of care of going forward and we are getting some more details around that. One thing that we all need to know is the Covid can really have long-lasting impacts on your health - particularly lung and heart.”
Hope everyone else is hanging in there, following the guide lines and washing their hands!
Auntie Hope
Great Update on Rob Carney… FROM ROB CARNEY!!!
“Hi folks. Thanks for all the love. I haven’t posted for a bit because I have been in isolation unit patiently waiting whether or not this virus is still in me. It required two separate tests. I’m happy to say both tests came back negative! I am clean of covid19 and the 2 other viruses I had in my lungs. This journey has been one of the most brutal I have ever done. I would not wish this thing on anyone. I was in a drug induced coma for over 2.5 weeks. My odds were marginal for surviving. I am still piecing together what my body went through. I am learning to walk again. My overall strength is weak. I started rehab last week. Tomorrow I move upstairs for serious rehab. I am hoping to come home at the end of the week. I will be using a walker for a period of time. I will be resting a lot and working on rehabilitation in Crested Butte . One of the side effects of having a 2 tubes shoved down your throat is it made my voice very weak . Later today the doctors here are going to put a camera down my throat to see if my voice box was damaged…they say it’s a fairly easy fix. (Yeah right) the drs are concerned I could aspirate liquid or food into a lung. Wish me luck . I want to come home but until I can show rehab folks I can walk up 13 stairs, I might be here awhile more. Thanks for all the posts. I love my community, my friends.much love Rob Carney.”