Check in on our Festivarian family

Greetings from Australia where the sun is still shining but we are heading into fall and the world seems a little darker.

One of the things I love about the forum is that we feel like a family here, no matter where we are located.

I want to ask everyone how you are going? Are you OK, do you have someone who can help, do you need anything? We have the biggest network and the biggest hearts, I know I will get a lot of comfort hearing back from the people on here that I love. And I know, if someone needs a hand, this is the community that will be the first to help.

We will get through it. Music, friendship, faith in each other.

Facts not Fear

Clean Hands

Open Hearts

Thank you for checking in AF. It goes OK … or at least as well as it can.

One weird thing I’ve noticed over the past few nights has been waking up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night; only to have a delayed reaction where my mind goes “oh crap, it’s real”

Unfortunately, it’s going to get quite a bit darker before it gets better.

I second Facts not Fear

Be well and vibes to all!

:wave Hunkered down here in Mpls. Lovin’ the streams of my heroes. Stayin’ home, playin’ along. Hoping to be well Hoping for June fun!!!

Doing well in Western Nebraska. Thank you for asking. Waiting for June, seems sooooooo far away. Hope everyone weathers the storm without problems. Or to many anyway. :thumbsup

That sense of dread when the “ maybe it’s all a Dream” feeling goes away.

Know it too well.

Glad you are ok otherwise. X

Agree! Glad to hear you are doing ok. :v:

As we all are, let’s hope it’s possible. Stay well

Everything is closed except grocery, gas, liquor, dispensary, and pharmacy. Day 8 of home isolation. In need of some action. If reality and regular scheduled programming can not function in 2 months, let alone 3 TBF happening will be the least of our worries. There won’t be internet, there won’t be buildings. If it required 3 months of isolation, believe me there will be rioting, looting and mass destruction! The studies show 20 days and the rate of spreading drops, but without a cure it will repeat, unless like flu it declines in summer in the northern hemisphere. So I will repeat what myself, my data based friends, and my health care friends think. Isolating the healthy population is the wrong approach. It’s the unhealthy, and elderly at risk who need to be quarantined. Less than 40% of the healthy population show any symptoms at all, of that 40%, 10-20% require some form of medical attention (this can include simply giving ibuprofen), less than 10% require hospitalization, and well under 1% of that 40% die. The number of total deaths, and number of required hospital beds is decreased, while business and life doesn’t have to come to a halt. Also if allowed to run its course it is not known yet if it might just disappear, or if a general populous immunity will emerge. We can’t gather in groups larger than 10, but we can wait in lines of 15 at the grocery to hand money to a lady who wears no protection, is less than 3 feet away, and touched the hands of hundreds of people before you. I’m sure this will just all go away if we isolate. Stay healthy. I’m starting to get more pissed off than scared!

I’m doing good AF, thanks for checking in. :wave I’m not surprised at all, you community organizer you! :wink: :medal

My company started getting a few people working from home even before all the resorts got shut on Saturday night. Our industry doesn’t lend itself to working from home. But with the closure we were able to get our seasonal and international workers out on Sunday before any were sealed out. Argentina was a concern. We have many J1 students working and their country was closing to them on Monday or Tuesday.

I am now working from home, but we are taking it day by day, week by week. I don’t know how many festivals we will all miss, but when they resume … WOW :eek :rollin … sweet they will be!!

If it becomes long term, I have numerous projects around the house to do that I keep putting off. And if I’m well, I’ll keep my distance skiing in the backcountry and mtn biking. Both I often do solo so that is pretty normal.

I feel worse for you as your days are getting shorter and colder. Maybe that is easier for self quarantine. We all hope we can see each other in that canyon this year. Last year was shrouded with the loss of 2 legends, and then all the anxiety with the new ticketing process. We need this year! We need many :hug :hug :hug But at this point it isn’t looking too good. We have 3 months, and we have the foresight of watching Asia and Europe. So keep your fingers crossed :quote and hopefully we’ll be hugging and :woohoo :rock :hop :dance :dancing

Until then … Cheers :cheers

:flower Mary from the Tim Buk Tu Ranch in Golden is doin ok. Makin beans n corn bread and stayin on the sunny side. I hope everyone stays in the light.
Stay safe Mary loves you. :flower

I’m hanging in there and trying to stay positive. With all the health issues I’ve had in the last few months it’s getting harder.
Being a senior over 70 and now having immunity issues I need to stay vigilant and I’m doing the best I can while living alone.
Keeping the music streaming has helped somewhat, but I hope to be in that box canyon for my 40th year in June and be able to hug all my festivarian family.
I’ll continue to plug ahead and see what my primary care physician, my cardiologist, my oncologist, and my dermatologist have to say about my ongoing fight for longevity.
Peace and music be with you all. :flower

Hold on Tom. We will be back in our canyon at some point, have faith, our festival needs you there, glad you are ok x


Sounding good there Mary x

Ah my Telluride best buddy. Glad you are ok. The solitary skiing has equipped you well for this time. Hold on, we will be back dancing soon, I play a little bit of Greensky every morning to get me going x

I guess we have a different view again but I hope you are coping ok. We don’t need rioting and looting during this crisis! Play lots of music, feel the sun on your face, we will be back in the canyon again x

We closed our office last night and are doing our best to maintain our services via online delivery. We still have too many folk in Australia who aren’t taking the virus seriously. I am as I’m sure everyone knows. I’ve organised my apartment as well as I can and I’m preparing for a long, cold, dark winter ahead with very little face to face contact with others.

One of the things that will keep us all much healthier is continuing to connect via this site so I hope we use this post to keep checking in and updating each other. Not to scare each other but to feel some of the power of connection we experience every June when we are together.

Mmmm, just talking about it takes me straight back to Kamp Duk Tape. I love our breakfasts after the line up for numbers every morning. I can almost taste that bacon. Why do you guys have such awesome bacon?

Things are good here in Northern California but my restaurant friends are really hurting. I’m supporting them by ordering takeout even though I hate the wasteful containers. I tipped ten bucks on a to go order today from a little Thai place.

Have a little bit of survivors guilt as my workplace technically falls under an “essential business” which it really isn’t. But heck even pet supply stores are classified as essential. Was sort of looking forward to cocooning for a few weeks, but I should not complain that I am working when millions are laid off. Sorry all.

I’m watching the “Stay at Home fest” now. It goes all weekend

Tomorrow I’ll be tuning in for Blue Summits web show on Youtube

Some really hilarious #SocialDistancingPickUpLines on Twitter,

“That mask brings out the beauty in your eyes”, “Is that a bottle of Purell in your pocket or are you just glad to see me”

Remember folks tough times don’t last but tough people do.

I might be one of a few having a somewhat normal spring here in the great north woods of Wisconsin. The spring ritual of maple syruping leaves little time for social interaction other than that with my maple trees and dogs. A couple of cold days this weekend are giving me my first break in six weeks other than a two day trip to Peoria to see Drew and Vince and the next day to Indiana for syrup delivery the end of February. So far a good start to the season with about a third of a good crop already made. The snow was very deep making the tapping that much harder that and the fact that my body objects more to the abuse now than when I started 40 years ago. Telluride has been the carrot that has helped me get through the long maple season. The idea of summer without festivals almost unimaginable. I went to my first bluegrass festival in 1976, the second year is the one that hooked me. How is the lineup of John Hartford, Doc and Merle Watson, Bill Monroe, Earl Scruggs Review, J.D. Crowe, Ralph Stanley, Jimmy Martin, Mark O’Conner, New Grass Revival, Mac Wiseman, Josh Graves, Benny Martin, Bobby Smith, Grass Food & Lodging, Piper Road Spring Band and others. The Great Northern Bluegrass Festival Mole Lake 2nd Annual. So hopefully this will somehow be over before summer seeing that we have our town park tickets again and looking forward to seeing all our friends and another great lineup. But it definitely introduced the unknown into our lives when we prefer order and normal. Stay safe and take care of your friends and family.

Love hearing the real Maple Al back story, we will all meet up again. X

No guilt in working, we need an economy that’s still going, good to hear. X