Brit roll call!

:evil :evil Y’all sing along now :evil :evil

:wave we fired our guns and the british kept on runnin… … … …
down the missippi to the gulf of mexico… :lol


I swear it was:

:slight_smile: We fired our guns and the British kept a-comin’
Up from Mississippi through/to the Gulf of Mexico :slight_smile:

But that was back in the 50/60’s so it could have been anything.

England and America are two countries separated by a common language.

:lol :lol :lol :lol

Still Yvette Cooper for me :evil

Oh but you don’t know me yet! :wink: I have a strong tendency to pick up on the accents that surround me, what with not really having my own… (I grew up as an english person in a small french town, adapting to my surroundings meant a lot :))
So I might arrive at TP with a quaint, the-queens-english british accent, but I’ll probably leave sounding like whoever I spent my time with…
Now maybe I’m mistaken in thinking Colorado has what can be called an accent… :lol

OH…one of them lizards that changes colors!
Yep!..Good snow pack this year…Howdy gals…Yep…Did ya get any elk this year…Must be cold up top, cause they’re down pretty low this winter…dodged a bullet with that frost the other night, buds on the fruit trees seem to have made it…how’s yer calf crop this year, I’m gettin me a bunch…Yep!..How’s that new truck ya got last runnin…with that snowpack, creeks might git a little high this spring…Yep!..Howdy Mam…You puttin in onions or potatoes in yer south section this year…Makes since to me…Me? I’m gettin the hell out of here when them crazy bluegrassers are here!
Hope this helps!
Festival!!! :cheers :lol :cheers :lol :cheers :lol
Colorado 101

I love that Song !

You’re just being onery now, aren’t ya? :wink: :slight_smile:

Remind me, Colorado, did you

a) win it fair and square
b) steal it from the Indians
c) buy it from the French or
d) win it at Bingo ?

Im a little hazy with the history

After the French stole it way fron the Indians
we won it fair and square at bingo
witch we then traded it for HEEN…
:lol :cheers

:wave You mean we actually own it???


I love all of those things, except for 6, which I’ve never seen, and 7, which I’m not entirely sure what is. Does this make me a sterotypical brit? :lol

That would make you a European :cheers.

In that case I wouldnt want to be trapped in an lift (elevator) with you then :lol :lol

trapped in alift with someone named “HotSugar”? hnmmmmmm Quick, change your name to frumpy underdrawers! :lol :lol

Hotsugar or no hotsugar.

Yeah but knowing my luck the conversation will start like this:

"Youre from England ? I love England. I met someone from Liverpool last year, you know where the Beatles come from, his name was Dave, he had such a great accent. Do you know him ? Is Liverpool anywhere near you ? " (based on several true stories)

:lol :lol :lol

I don’t think I’d be that bad, but I wouldn’t want to be stuck in a lift or elevator with myself either. :lol

You forgot, “Do you know the Queen?” :lol

Auntie Hope :festivarian2 :green

I think that it needs to be made mandatory by the ‘Powers that Be’ that all of the Brits coming to Telluride MUST take part in the Condo-Crawl!! That kind of international ambassadorship should become part of an annual TBF tradition!!

Obama had breakfast with the PM here today, do you think he had bacon :pig :pig

Do we get to take a “souvenir” from each condo ? Its kinda traditional Brit thing.

LOL … your ancestors took away our freedoms and rights and drove us to come to this country … good to see the tradition continues! LOLOL (Just kidding, Mate! … and … as long as its not an appliance or high-dollar item, I wouldn’t mind :slight_smile: ). Better yet, I’ll bring along some souvenirs to hand out to y’all :slight_smile: ).

