Brit roll call!

wait uhhh Monty Python Over Rated
My God Man , have you lost your ever loving mind ???
:evil :cheers :evil

She turned me into a newt!!! But I got betta!!! :festivarian… What is not to like ?.. :medal

squirt, spatula same thing…

Oh Boy! We are diffently going to have to put out some sentinel’s. :thumbsup
Let the signal be “One if on foot, Two if by gondola!” :festivarian
:horsey :horsey :horsey :horsey :horsey

Hehe…if you find “squirt” offensive (or funny) then just wait until you get to Telluride. Some people’s ears are swollen for weeks after hearing some of our banter.

To Team GB…
If you think squirt is funny wait until you see all the semis on the roads! :lol :lol :lol :lol

(in my best German accent… “I Work Hostel!” :lol :lol :lol :lol

Auntie Hope :festivarian2 :green

Even on the forum Hope that sounded just like Cloris Leaachmaan as “Nurse Diesel”! Well done.

I can let you have all of those - except Monty Python which I would like to substitute for that Elvis fella - I never really did get it.

Costelloe? He’s going to be pissed off when he reads this then. :eek :lol
Better keep a distance.

No, he’s the real Elvis - it’s the bloke in the sparkly jumpsuit I don’t get. (uh huh - uh huh).

Go on! If you absolutely had to sing an Elvis number or have eyes open sex with Harriet Harman, which would it be? :wink: :cheers :wink:

(Ah! I see a problem here, which song would you choose. :rolleyes

Could I substitute sex with Yvette Cooper with my eyes shut and while singing “Great Balls Of Fire” ?

:evil :evil

That might just work! :thumbsup

Colorado accent?
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol now that is freakin hilarious

Let’s see…Colorado accent…Ya know, we don’t talk much. Unless we have something to say. We kinda judge other folks by how much they think they know more than other folks. We make our judgements of these folks and just go about our business. Love all these folks coming into Colorado for the Fest, the grandfather of them all, but ther are a few that do not have the Festivarian Spirit.
Concern for mankind and the environment of Colorado is all we ask!
FESTIVAL!!! :thumbsup Perge! And keep you wits!

Yeah… :lol I saw that last night, Cindy. Let’s see, first we’ll let Lady Bug talk to Rob & Tommy, then Annie, then Miki, then Dustin… and then YOU! :lol

I love newbies! :cheers

Auntie Hope :festivarian2 :green

The Old Colorado Accent or the New Colorado accent
Damn Yankkes !

No substitutions! :slight_smile:

Ya Know I think the Turn Coats should just be Banned …
:evil :evil :evil :evil :evil :horsey :horsey :horsey :horsey :horsey

Just Kidding of course !