Beginners' update

I wish - been a few years since I attended TBF. Got the little rug rats to attend to and, frankly, I don’t have it in me to chase them around AND try to enjoy the music. I doubt I’m going to Rockygrass either this year. I’m still young - got plenty more ahead of me. :slight_smile:

Good for you working on your pick position. I’ve tried to fix mine a few time over the years and I can’t do it (old dogs…). I hold it between my thumb and middle finger - yeah - pretty jacked. I remember reading somewhere when I was a kid that Eddie Van Halen held it that way - so that’s how I started. Now I can’t seem to break myself of this silly habit. Change before you’re too far gone!

Enjoy “I’ll fly away”. That was a favorite in my church when I was kid (Southern Baptist). I ran through it the other night after reading this thread and it brought back some good memories. :slight_smile: I can see landy tearing that one up. She’ll sound GREAT!

y’all I should be packing but I had to hop on here and let y’all know I got a new pick yesterday & am amazed at the diff it makes :slight_smile: golden gate picks…better than the cheaper ones I was using. it’s no blue chip but I’m thrilled! now back to packing insanity!

I’m good Landy. We’re as settled as a family can get with 2 little ones. Sleep is at a premium and the aroma of dirty diapers is common. My poor wife is pretty type A (and loves a neat house) - man is she pulling her hair out. :slight_smile:

Big day today. My 3 yr old has his first swim lesson. Then, later today my band is playing our 100th gig in Northglenn. We’ve got a few past members stopping by to set in. Should be a packed house and lots of fun - out on a patio - nice weather - surrounded by friends. Hard to believe we have that many shows under our belt - but it’s been a fun ride.

mik-I told my friend that plays guitar/banjo that I was gonna start coming over once a wk to pick! it just helps so much hearing the chord changes on other instruments & w my tempo.

im on the road w no printer but I did scribble down the tab for will the circle be unbroken-love that one :slight_smile:

lovely mando ladies!! i’m so sorry we didn’t get to pick at tride. too much festivating, i believe. BUT i will be @ rockygrass :slight_smile: y’all going?

no m’am! i’m in the sunny south. maybe make it west one of these days. :slight_smile: won’t be at folks bc its during school…

i LOVED tride. i will be back again and again and again. all the amazing ppl i met, yonder nightgrass, the mumford set, painting faces in the kids tent, crunchy frog, tie dye, jams, and on and on!!

Did you make it to any WSP shows? Sorry we didn’t get to pick, it was great dancing and drinking with ya. Mik I missed you this year. We will have to do better next year at getting together. I have to work saturday of RockyGrass, maybe I’ll see if I can score a ticket for Sunday though. See you all soon.
Beth :flower

beth it was fun we at least got to hang out a little bit! i only saw mik for a minute…
i did make it to 2 panic shows which was AWESOME!!

Hiyas Landy - the guitar question is a good one. A little advise…

Get a model that is comfortabl in your hands. Also, try to find one that has a solid top (not laminate). Different makers tend to voice their guitars in different ways. So keep and ear out for the “sound” that you like. Also, try to educate yourself as much as possible. There’s some good websites out there that will allow you to do searches specific to you questions.

Enjoy the search!

How much should I spend ??? So no to a web search, cause I don’t get to feel it in my hands…ok. What music store or source should I use for my purchase? Do you have a favorite?

still pickin away. i want a new mando!!! i went to a shop over the wkd and picked on a washburn m118 and the guy offered me a great deal…hmmmm what to do!

In order to get the best deal, you’ll want to buy used (say - from Craigslist). However, there are big pluses to buying from a local shop. I like the Pickin’ Parlor in Olde Town Arvada. They have a great selection. You’ll pay a little more - but as a new player, you can rest assured that they will help you through the process. Also, you’re helping a local shop (personally, I never buy from Guitar Center).

If you want to go to a store to try a variety of instruments, I’d recommend taking another picker with you. Listen to them play the instrument. It helps. Also, clarify your budget fairly early in the process. Otherwise, you’re going to have just too many guitars you might be considering. In fact, if you give me a budget, I can offer some suggestions. IMO, you’ll start to find really good quality instruments at $300 used. If your budget gets to $1000 - you’ll have a wealth of selections that you will love.

Personally, I’m a Martin guy. I play a D28 - but that’s not an entry level instrument. I know you love bluegrass Landy - so you may like Martin’s too. LOTS of bluegrass players play a Martin. However, you may enjoy the sound of a Taylor or Gibson - who knows. It’s good to know what you like. Now, your first guitar may not be a marquee name - and that’s ok. However, knowing what you want is key.

That’s a nice Mandolin , however, if you build it at RGA the cost is about the same but the end product is worth twice that and the sound(if you pay close attenion in class) that is acheved is off the charts IMO.

We need to get you into RGA!!! :cheers :wave

I listened to your video of I’ll Fly Away. Very nice!!! progressing nicely!

I think for this adventure $500. is tops for now. Because a Cello is next! Pen you have been a great guide and insperation to me. How are you and the family? :flower

aww thanks mik!

unfortunately i already bought my tix out for RG…although i see there is a spot open for mando. i can’t swing it this year b/c i have a wedding the wkd that the academy starts. i am just gonna keep pickin on my beginner model and plan for academy next year!

i am working on will the circle be unbroken and rocky top right now. and still struggling with soldier’s joy…ha!

Soldies Joy is fun and you will get down! We should try to hook up while you are at RG. What is your schedual like?

So next year I will meet you and Mandogeek(Beth) at RGA :cheers Sounds like the beginng of a plan. :medal

There is a mando space still available, hua?

Flippin teasers!!! My head keeps sayin, come on you know you want to :evil

It’s off to Woodsongs Thursday to scope out Martin Guitars. I hope they carry them, guess I should call first.
Did a web search to get a feel for the different price ranges…

What is up with these tiny travel guitars. They look fun but how do they sound I wonder.

I wouldn’t recommend a travel guitar. They have their nitch - but are limiting. A few Martin’s to look at that will be in your price range…

  1. Martin DX1K

  2. Martin DX1

  3. Martin 000X1

Also, you may want to look at some lessor known makers (like Blueridge). Also, be very aware of what body style you want. Dreadnaughts are pretty popular, but may be too much to fit comfortably under kyour arm. Get a guitar you can play for hours at a time.

OK so no Martins but tons and tons and head spinning tons of others. I take my car to be serviced near by in the valley and I am a multi-tasker. It’s a start.

So Pen really great advise here as usual :medal :flower The arm thing, are some models thicker than others?
I like slim and light, all about good posture, my chest expands and my vocals sound better…funny how it’s all connected to, well,you the main input :flower thank you

mik, i’ll be @ RG camping w/ hooch & crew onsite :slight_smile: