Beginners' update

lol - na. I wish. My shows anymore are few and far between. My band stays fairly busy. On our off weekends, I tend to want to hang with the wife and son and do family stuff. In fact, I doubt I’ll see anything until the Yonder shows in Dec.

Let me know how the show was!

Show was good. We went down early because we figured the traffic would suck in the weather so we were in line early and ended up center stage about 5 rows of people back. The entire floor was GA with no chairs which I liked. The sound up there sucked! It was really bad. I could barely even recognize “It Aint Me Babe” - second song until the refrain. After about 5 songs we moved way back closer to the sound board and the sound was much much better. Good set list. Bob was fairly lively. He mostly played keyboards but played at least one song on guitar and two or three up front on harmonica. Good set list for the most part. Pretty good crowd. One thing that helped I think is that Charlie Sexton is back in the band on lead guitar.

A friend just sent me a link to this review of the show which I pretty well think is on target:

What a great review. Although I wasn’t at the show - it’s how many of his shows have felt for me. Like going to a museum. I’ve appreciated it - but never been moved.

BD has never been much of a performer IMHO. The musicians I enjoy tend to look for ways to interact with the crowd, excite the crowd and create some synergy. There’s none of that with him. He’s up there exhibiting his art - that’s it.

BD’s always been one to walk to a different drummer. That’s what sets him apart. His live shows are just another example of this. Doubt I’ll end up at any of his live perfomances again - but man I enjoy his albums. Is is new album any good?

If you mean “Christmas in the Heart”, I’ve only heard one track. I liked it though. If you mean “Together Through Life” I definitely think it is good. I can’t quite imagine not liking a Bob Dylan album. Based on everything you’ve said Pen, I’m pretty sure you are the same way. We may as well both just go buy the new Christmas album this afternoon because we both know damn well that we will end up buying it at some point. Why put it off?

hehe ya - we’re on. I been lazy w/ mando lately too. Other than band practices and shows, I haven’t played my mando at all for weeks now. Mostly grab my guitar lately. I’ve got family visiting off and on for the next 2 weeks. It may be after that before I can get the video up. But I WILL do it. :slight_smile:

Nopers - we’re due in Jan. Got a girl coming. What do you think about the name Amanda Lynne?

Wish my wife would let me name her that. :slight_smile:

LOL - did you get the joke? Say Amanda Lynne aloud. Perfect name for this forum…

Yeah - we’ve done the music to the belly thing. We lean towards classical. Everything I’ve read says that the complexity of this music stimulates brain growth. I think I’ll wait till she’s born to toss Mr. Monroe at her. :wink:

Congrats Pen! That is great news, will this be your first?

Amanda Lynn! doh! too funny.

I’d love to know when you guys put up some more vids, keep me posted.

I also looked up Soldiers Joy, many versions of that one, from simple to super fast. I am going to try that one with Janet. Maybe I’ll post a duet someday soon.

:wave Naw, i’m always checkin in. this forum does get quiet in the offseason doesn’t it.

Janet has a lesson today. We’ve been having fun playing the two songs she knows. She seems to dig it, we just need to learn more.

We went to the closing Wildflower show, wow! some awesome mando and guitar playing.

:pickin :pickin

We’ve been playing Old Joe Clark, and The Girl I left Behind.

She had her lesson at lunch, and guess what? Greg gave her Soldiers Joy! Hot Dog! We’ll be practicing that one now too.

Interesting dilema. It’s rare when you hear of the mando drowning out something. Usually I expect to see a banjo as the culprit. Without going electric, I can think of nothing. However, this is a good opportunity to work on your instrument volume. Work on strumming a little softer to reduce your mando sound.

The problem with playing and singing in front of a wall is the mando sound is jumping back at you as well. If your mando is pumping out that kind of volume, count your lucky stars. It sounds like a great instrument.

Well, I’m constantly working on this - hearing myself over the guitar, “separating the voice from the guitar” ( I saw that fancy term somewhere). I most always play without a pic, but I’m guessing that won’t work with mando?

Maybe a voice lesson on breathing might help you get more power and “oomph”, but you have such a beautiful voice on the dylan song, I can’t believe a lil ol mandolin is gettin in the way. Must be a great one indeed.

:sunshine :sunshine

That sounds like a great idea Landshark :thumbsup

I would love to host a music get together in the near future and invite you and Pen (and all significant others). I’d like to learn a few more tunes with Janet first so we can play along. We’re getting there. It will definitely be a fun, casual no-pressure deal.

Of course Pen is gonna be very busy pretty soon :lol

Are you still taking lessons?

I was going to ask you what you meant by “ear clip”?

How are you plugging in? You don’t have a pickup on your mando do you?

And I can’t wait to hear more recordings, just let us know when you post 'em!


If you can find a way to get around using electronics - do it. The more moving parts you add to your playing, the more difficult it gets imo. Also, it gets less organic. It’s certainly all personal prefference, but music seems best to me when no electricity is involved. Often you need it (ie. performances, electric instruments), but nothing is as good as a small group sitting around just playing.

Not sure exactly what the ear clip would be. I wear in-ear monitors when I’m playing out. It really helps with the loud stage sound we have - but I wouldn’t imagine you’d need it for what you’re doing. Plus - they can be pretty pricey. Also, any time you’re listening to the sound through earphones - you loose the “feel” of what you’re creating. It’s done to help the sound for the audience. I isolate what I need to hear (my vocals and my instrument) so I’m concentrating on what “I” sound like - not what the entire band sounds like. Doesn’t sound near as good to me. I’m sure the audiance appreciates it though. :slight_smile:

Now - as my granddaddy used to say- “There’s no accounting for taste”. If you like what you’re doing and it works for you - by all means keep it up. Experiment, play and enjoy.

As you tweak your setup though - realize that as you start adding equipment, it can be a slippery slope. You may find you need a better mic for your vocals. Then, you need a better mic for your mando. Then you don’t like the mix - so it’s on to getting a better board. Then, you don’t like your vocals exactly - so you get a vocal processor. Now, with all this stuff, you need a better amp. etc etc etc.

I know this sounds like heresy, but if the sound hole is causing you that much trouble, shove a small piece of cloth in the hole to dampen the sound. The mando is a tool and there’s nothing wrong with tweaking it to make it work for you.

Increased volume through increased pace is quite common. It doesn’t have to happen - but it takes practice to play quickly AND in total control. It’s not a quick and easy thing to figure out - but will come with practice.

Man, I really want to play your banjo killer!

:wave :wave
Landy your enthusiasm is infectious. I certainly prefer playing in a group, really makes songs come alive. It’s always nice to hear something besides myself for a change.

We just started Soldiers, so it’ll take a few to get down. Of course we’re playing the slow easy version. :lol

Happy Thanksgiving All!

uh…uh…uhm…I don’t know. I’ll ask the boss.

I’ll certainly be ready to listen! :lol

I played Soldier’s Joy with Janet tonight for about 15 seconds while picking up Sap tonight at their house and she is seriously coming along quickly. Keep it going Janet! :thumbsup