Beginners' update

It’s actually really easy to keep it anonymous. Just pan the camera so your face isn’t in view. The problems that arise on the internet regarding identity typically surround placing important personal information out there (phone #, address, financial info, social security #, etc). If you do choose to show your face, I’m not sure how it could come back and hurt you.

Of course, as in all marriages, you pick you battles. :slight_smile:

However you choose to submit - it will be fine. I’ve been fighting a bug for over a week. Starting to feel like myself again and am hoping I can sing soon. Maybe get this done this weekend.

I’ve got a video camera and will record from that. It has to be hosted somewhere. Youtube is free and easy. Really quick to setup your account there. Then just post the link to that youtube address. VOILA!

Not the finest - but I’m too lazy for more than 1 take. Enjoy!

You Belong to me

She Belongs to me

Those are awesome Pen! :rock :pickin :rock

I really enjoyed these videos. I liked the other two “bonus” tracks as well.

I had never heard #29 before, that’s a DMB song? You did a great version.

And the Red Lion song? I guess the lyrics explain it all. Really cool original.

Nice! :thumbsup :cheers

Thanks for the compliment. LOL - I didn’t expect the other ones to get a listen…

Yeah - #27 is DMB (not #29 - typo on my part). Not a very well known one. I started hearing him play it a couple years ago and fell in love with it. I do it a bit different than him - but enjoy playing it.

The Red Lion song is a joke I wrote for some ex-coworkers at my last job.

I can’t wait to hear some of your stuff. We should choose 1 song a month and keep this going. It’s fun!

Hi Shark, I just gave it a listen. Even with the poor audio quality of the phone your voice sounds great. :thumbsup Ya gotta post the whole thing!

Are you saying your upload to Youtube is timing out? I uploaded a test last night and it seemed to work. I recorded a couple videos last night, i’m gonna try to post them at lunch.

I must say though I’m not really playing by the rules because I’m not playing a mando and I don’t think I’m “grassin” it up. But it is a fun exercise, never watched myself sing before. ugh!

Ok, here goes - My first videos, woohoo! Figured I might as well do a couple since I had the camara goin.

She Belongs To Me

I Was in the House When the House Burned Down (Warren Zevon cover)

You’re Not There (original)

Thank you for the kind words Landshark! :wave Nice to hear because I’m cringing at watching myself. My wife made me feel better by saying they were ok, and that everyone is their own worst critic.

I have never been to Song School, but one of these years I’m gonna go.

So now that you have Youtube account, you don’t need to compress your video. The files I uploaded were in the 400 Meg range. I think Youtube’s limit is 1 Gig.

I’ll be looking for your vid! And tonight is “band” practice so I’ll nag Brian until he either smacks me or agrees to post something too.

Well done Sap! I totally enjoyed them. Gotta love the bonus trax. :slight_smile: Now I’m jonesing to play with you.

Is that a Bagg’s soundhole pickup you have? Looks just like mine.

Since you started it, maybe next go around we should all do an original. It looks like the few of us own this forum - so it’s not that big a deal. But I can see myself posting more things on guitar than on mando. It’s just so much easier for me to go solo with a guitar. Or maybe pick a fiddle tune for us all to learn. That would fit a mando.

Anway - fun stuff. Lets keep it going…

Landy - your up!

Thanks Pen! :cheers

Yes that is a Baggs Pickup, I noticed yours as well. good (cheap) pickup.

Is mando your main instrument? I notice in your pic you are playing a mando (looks different than the one you’re playing in your vids). Do you play in a “bluegrass” band?

You’re right, we’re the only ones on here, and it’s Landshark’s thread, so I think we’re ok.

For the record, you started the original idea with your Red Lion song! :wink:

Alright Shark, I brought my headphones so I can listen at work…

Wow!!! Wow!!! That is fantastic!

:thumbsup :thumbsup :medal :medal :sunshine :sunshine

You have a beautiful voice, and you really give that song a soulful feel.

And that’s the mando you built eh? nice.

Really cool to see the different takes on that song from you and Pen. Good Fun!

And that video thing was a snap huh?

I’m gonna go listen again…

Well heck yes you’re good enough to pick with a group. You’re also good enough to be singing IN FRONT of a group!

For a “beginner” you sure seem to have the singing-while-playing thing down!

I’m not a mandolin player, but I’m thinking that open chords for something like this is appropriate. Aren’t the chop chords more for keeping time in a bluegrass group?

(ok now, as soon as Brian posts, we can pick next month’s song!)

:jester :jester

Nice job Miki

Great job Landy! You did fantastic. Especially for someone just getting their feet wet into performing. I really enjoyed it. Nice way to do that song.

Don’t worry about using 2 finger chords. They sound fine. There’s a time and place for everything. In fact, Chris Chile & Mike Marshall did a song called “What a Blast” that is exclusively 2 finger chords (granted, some have like a 8 fret stretch) - and mando players don’t come any better than those 2. Sap - I agree with you. Chop chords (or 4 finger chords) assist with being able to make the mando percussion (often in bluegrass). If you don’t need to do that, who cares.

Although I’m by no means a great musician, I get asked quite a bit by new players if they are good enough to play with others. This is how I explain it.

When you play music with others, it becomes a social event. Many things go into making the jam succesful - and only 1 of those things is instrument skill. The more things you bring to the table, the better time everyone will have. You certainly need to know the basics (ability to play chords) - but there’s so much more.

-Ability to sing (and, above that, sing harmonies).
-Knowing songs (chords as well as words).
-Good attitude. I can’t tell you how many jams of very good musicians I’ve left becouse it just wasn’t fun.
-Be a good listener. Pay attention to the music and play what fits. Don’t step on other ppl’s solo’s.

So, to sum that up, yeah Landy - you’re ready to play with others. Easily. You may not be able to go Bill Monroe on them - but who cares. Most musicians play for the same reason we all do. It’s not a pissing contest on who can run through the fastest licks. That’s the beauty of music - once you find the basics, you can make the magic. Never be ashamed of what you can’t do. You’ll wow them with your voice. Let the rest of the circle wow you with their solo’s. It will all fit.

Oh, and Sap, you’d asked a few questions. Although I do play Bluegrass, it’s not what my band does. We’re a bar cover band. So we do a lot of classic rock, country, funk. Got about 80 songs in our set list and play what fits the venue.

I have a few mando’s. My stage mando (in my picture) is an Ovation MM-68. Great mando for gigs. Almost can’t be broken. Helps with beating the drunks away. The Turkey Creek in the video is made by a guy up in Morrison. It’s #17. I also have a beater Kentucky I use for camp trips. My favorite is my 1958 Gibson A40. Love that one. Maybe I’ll play that in the “next round”.

I don’t know if I’d call mando my main instrument. Depends on the setting. I’ve played guitar longer - but becouse of my band - I tend to play the mando more now. I suppose, it just depends on what I’m doing. Some would say that piano is my main instrument. I took lessons for 12 years growing up.

Good stuff all. I look forward to more!

Originals??? :huh
I don’t play an instrument (I did play sax many many years ago) and I’m not a song writer.
I do enjoy singing a bit if I know the song well, but that’s also rare. :wink:

Well i can’t wow with voice or solo, but I could provide that last thing on your list!

I usually feel pretty intimidated around good musicians but hey, it’s still fun just to listen and hang out.

Pen - Checked out your band’s website. Cool Stuff. Is that you singing on the Big Head Todd song? You guys are pros!

Anyone going to the BAS show tonight? My wife and I will be there, dancin around to keep warm.

Yeah - that’s me on BHTM. Thanks for the complement.

I’m not leaving the house this weekend or next (no BAS for me). The following 3 weekends are Fri/Sat night shows for us. Gotta spend time with the family when I can. Playing out is fun - but has it’s drawbacks too.

And don’t sell yourself short Sap - you sound good. You do what you do well. It’s just music!

Miki, First, your vocals are great, 2nd, the chords and licks will come over time, 3rd, as someone who had the privledge to camp in your neighborhood during RGA, you are a fun person with a great attitude who would be a welcome addition to any jam! Everybody is nervous attending their first jam. Get out there and do it anyway, have fun, laugh, make mistake, laugh again, learn a bunch of songs, and then go back and do it again. Before you know it you will be hanging out until 4:00 am with the rest of the musically afflicted folks wondering where the night went. By the way your mandolin is opening up very nicely, and sounds great.

:wave :wave

Janet had a lesson, got a new song. i’ve been trying to accompany her. we’re setting up a music room with the idea to host friendly jam circles in the future!

Hey Pen, you aren’t going tonight are you? I’m hoping for a good show and you seem maybe a little bit cursed. :evil