Beginners' update

Had my first lesson yesterday and then practiced for about an hour when I got home from work, my fingertips are still numb :frowning: OK not all of them just the index and middle finger of my left hand. Any suggestions and will this get better?
Beth :flower

lol - just endure the pain. If it really gets to hurting and you still need or want to play, put some super glue on your finger tips.

A couple weeks of diligent practice and you’ll be all toughened up. GL Beth!

My suggestion is to work with all your fingers so they hurt equally :-p

Got a lesson tomorrow afternoon myself, first one since before Telluride, I feel like I’ve already grown a ton since then.

Started working on Brilliancy last night - not as hard as I thought it would be. Still not easy though.

Good evening. Watching the Rox beat up on Pitt (muted of course) while I practice.

Well my left hand fingertips are still numb, starting to get used to the feeling. I have almost got Angeline the Baker down flat, however I can’t seem to be able to get the rhythm down. You know the whole toe tapping, hand strumming deal. I think I may get a metronome and see if that helps. Pen I don’t have any blisters yet, just starting to build up some callouses. I’ll keep you posted.
Beth :flower

Nice, I would be afraid I’d land on my arse :lol, Ouch. I need to just go for it, my next lesson is this thursday, oh and I didn’t have to buy a metronome, they have an app for that. Crazy.
Beth :flower

That’s a bit of a challenge isn’t it? Are you working from tab or by ear?

Both actually. I have tab - but listened to a variety of examples on youtube to get it in my head.

I’m glad I saw your post. Like many song projects, I spend a couple days on it and then forget about it if I’m not learning it for a gig or to play with a friend. I’ll run through it again some today. See how much I remember!

i think this is it -

you’re welcome! I like that song. You’re gonna learn it on mando? sweet. I can’t wait til Janet starts plucking around the house. Unfortunately, she had to postpone her lesson until next week. She’s got a fever and sore throat and all that. It’s going thru the house, so i’m probably next. :frowning:

Ha, that’s a funny question about Bob Dylan because Brian and I were just talking about this. I like his music, but often like other people’s versions better. We saw him in concert a summer or two ago, and we were not impressed. Brian sayz that Bob is hit or miss, and the hits are special. He’s coming in concert again soon.

Yeah, Dylan can be awesome or sometimes maybe not so awesome. I think I tend to enjoy myself more than some at Dylan shows just because I get a “for chrissakes its freakin’ Bob Dylan up there” internal vibe, even when maybe he isn’t at the top of his game. He doesn’t tend to spend a lot of time engaging the audience and some folks don’t like that but it doesn’t bother me. His band is almost always amazing and I really really like his music.

I haven’t seen him in about 8 years so all of my experiences may be expired. A very good friend of mine who is big Dylan fan in KC saw him not too long ago and had the following to say.

I wonder what my friend would have written if there had been a Mandolin in the band. (Lame attempt to make this post something other than a complete hijack.) When are we going to hear these songs Landshark?

Dylan has been in my constant tape/cd/ipod rotation for about 20 years. Still is. I’ve seen him about 10 times over that period. I keep going back expecting to hit a good show. Hasn’t happened yet. Maybe I’m just not lucky. /shrug.

The man is the best songwriter I’ve ever heard. IMO, better than the Beatles. I’ve yet to see a performance worth the money I pay though. As my granddad used to say thought “There’s no accountin’ for taste”. I’m sure plenty of ppl love what he does on stage.

Landy - nice thing about Bob’s songs - they’re typically pretty basic and easy to learn. Certainly most ppl can sing them better than him too. :slight_smile: GL!

wow - you’re on a roll! I don’t think I’ve every even considered learning a Buck song. Good for you.

Shouldn’t be any problem. Just pop it up on youtube and post the link (that is allowed here right?). I’d be happy to record a version of the song you do. That will be fun!

btw - The title of that song is “She Belongs To Me”.

Hmmmm, I’m not sure I’m up for posting a video that includes my singing on you tube but I’ll take a spin at the song and see if beer changes my mind some time. btw my Dylan songbook just lists this as C and F.

Well how did it go? Did Janet enjoy her first Mandolin Lesson?
Hi Ya - Yes Janet had her first lesson, she liked it and liked Greg - Thanks again for recommending him. :thumbsup

More Importantly, she’s picking it up and plucking around the house, which is really the key to learning and sticking with it. It’s fun to strum together. And hey she knows G C and D, so we’ve got song options.

funny thing - I had mentioned chop chords to her before, so when she came home from her first lesson she said “I don’t know chop chords yet”, that made me laugh.

“see if the beer changes my mind some time” - that’s a song lyric right there!

hehe - ok this is funny. I wasn’t reading, so i pulled up You belong to me (Dylan) and learned that. I’m learning it telling myself “how in the world can landshark do this as a 3 chord song”. I just re-read the thread and figured out what I should be doing. Glad I made the mistake, I just played the song for my wife and she thinks it’s very pretty.

I think I’ll record them both and put them up.

Cool Pen, looking forward to hearing/seeing your versions. I checked out Youtube, there are a bunch of fan versions of She Belongs to Me out there.

Hi Landshark - Are you gonna post a vid as well? And I’m curious, were you (or your husband) thinking it was “lude and lousivious” because it’s playing someone else’s tune, or because it’s Bob Dylan specifically?

oh. well i was gonna suggest wearing a halloween mask, but that might hinder singing. :wink: