Worst TBF memories

Worst TBF memories
now there is an oxymoron

Most definitely the Monday after festival… leaving.
Other than that… nothing, nada, zip. :flower

Definitely the Monday departure!
I think I must have cried 4 liters of tears that morning… :frowning:

Everytime I would get up and dance my big toe would go into this funky strange feelin cramp :woohoo that made me look like I was in the moment :festivarian with a new crazy dance move thing goin on… :woohoo :rock :dancing:flower
The lesson, drink lots of water and eat a few banannas a day to stay in top dancin in the heat for 4 days form…

No mo money for beer!!! Disaster. Love that you do not have to drive for a few days and really feels like vacation, holiday. :drunk :hug :peace :dancing :sunshine :clap
The lesson, bring more beer for camp and condo and more money for fest.

A sandle blow out. :spill
The lesson bring sandles, as well as , river shoes(man I can feel it now), night shoes or boots.

Life is good even on the worst days. :medal

Got to town and was wearing my sandals around all the time. a few days in, my feet had dried out and I got horrible bleeding cracks in both heels. For the rest of the time, i had to scrub my feet clean every morning and night, and lube them up with killer balm, and then wear socks at ALL times.

Lesson: Lots of flax oil, lots of water, clean myfeet every night and sleep in socks with balm underneath. If all else fails, be careful and save the barefoot days for Thu-Sun!

Painful feet doesn’t suck nearly as much as packing up every monday though!

Agreed. Even when I was feeling like crap due to heat stroke, there wasn’t any where else I would have wanted to be.

Leaving Monday was bad but knowing we cant be there this year is the worst. :frowning: I’ve said it before and I will say it again, this is the most wonderful, accomodating, interesting, and loving group of people I have met. After only one TBF we feel something here with you folks that we have never felt before.

leaving is the worst. buckets of tears, long drives home, and festifeet… i personally miss the diggity doggs!
not much longer :cheers