

Hey… I was just tryin’ to help a brother out. Sheesh! See if I ever help you get someone to tie you up again… :flower

xoxo Rhonny

Kenny just called me
The Wireless comes from the Town Park office
a Town of Telluride project
no word on how it will work during the Fest

Of course its from a transient source, but less likely from an itinerate. It only shows up once a year!

Bean them BOTH over the head… We can celebrate their anniversary with them in style… THen, we can have a festarvarian contingent go to their house AFTER the fest and help them move in…

Great, I can sit in RV and work — NOT!!!

Yeah, right, James. You just try that once and see how we respond. :evil

It’s tough to work on a laptop encased in 2000 yards of shrink wrap, isn’t it! :lol