Will the KOTO Beer Booth Be Back In 2013?


That has got to be the shortest post you have ever posted windy :lol :clap :kiss :deer

Scottch Ale is what this girl loves. Ale’s crisp as an apple.

you’re right! :cheers :flower

You know LS, your original comment has gone further with me than any English teacher I’ve ever had with respect to work related correspondence, but I STILL ramble on message boards

In this case, the shorter the better … at least for now, since maybe things aren’t written in stone.

Regardless, I’ll remember you like Scotch Ale! :cheers

What am I missing here? Has there been talk of no KOTO beer booth? I heard rumors that Sierra Nevada wasn’t going to be the sponsor of Blues and Brews next year but I haven’t heard anything about KOTO and TBF. Please, the beer lover in me must know! :huh


My thoughts exactly.

Cryptic, but diplomatic.

Here’s the basic scoop regarding the bluegrass beer booth for inquiring minds!

Bluegrass and KOTO have been essentially splitting the money from the beer booth for quite awhile.

Next year, both Bluegrass and KOTO are getting less from the beer booth.

The amount of money KOTO has made in the past is basically being split between a larger group of Telluride “non-profits”. The Telluride Medical Center has already received money to enable them to begin their “Head First” concussion management system, Telluride Adaptive Sports Program (TASP) has received enough money to provide scholarships to all local participants (TASP provides various ways for disabled people to experience skiing the mountain, and the Telluride Fire Department is being “reimbursed” in an amount roughly equal to the cost to refurbish the galloping goose (we expect this money will be used by the fire department for some equipment upgrades and also for their rather extensive program of providing college scholarships to local Telluride high school students), and, finally KOTO gets some, though not as much as previously.

SO… money getting spread around to various non-profits. Also, tips will be used from each day to subsidize and publicize other smaller local non-profits. We haven’t confirmed all the details with these folks yet, so not naming names! :slight_smile:

AND, KOTO is supplying a pretty large number of “volunteers” that have been pouring beer for festival tickets for years.

AND, the simulcast will likely happen with KOTO, though we’re not sure about streaming part on internet. A few artists have expressed their desire to not have their Telluride performance broadcast live to the world and we’re not quite sure the streaming part will happen.

PHEW! There’s the truth and nothing but the truth. Perhaps not the whole truth so help me god cuz there’s lots of little details within all this that either are too vague at this point to go into or just kinda too complicated for what is already too long of a post! (i.e. other organizations are providing volunteers, Bluegrass is still working on some sort of promotional program with KOTO ((they don’t allow traditional underwriting in the same way that other public radio stations do, but we’re working on some sort of promotional deal that contributed cash to them in return for on air support … that kinda thing)…

OH, AND I ALMOST FORGOT TO MENTION! New Belgium will be serving up lotsa cold fresh brews, probably some of that luscious “Telluride Bluegrass Bliss” we debuted last year; and, the booth will be managed by some folks that work at the ski area in the winter, as well as some other locals.

Thanks Ferg. Sounds like a complicated situation that people much smarter than me are working to resolve. I hope all of the parties involved are satisfied with the solution.

And I am very happy to hear that I will be able to get my summertime fix of New Belgium beer (since they STILL don’t distribute in Ohio).

Enjoy the waves.

I will be very happy if the Summer Bliss makes a return this year!! :cheers

Perhaps the best thing that’s ever happened to my taste buds since the first time I had cake.

:wave I am hoping that there are no “Beer Cup Issues” in 2013, as many of us FestiCupCollectors take that sort of thing quite seriously… :cheers

Really… hey Hooch, did you get my beer cup at Rockygrass? :cheers

If he didn’t then I’ve got a couple for you. :thumbsup
