I know with other festivals and concerts, typically a couple weeks out from the festival, people start trying to get rid of any tickets they were holding on to for trades. Does that typically happen with this festival? Specifically talking Warner and TownPark passes! Thanks
There will be more people that can’t go and more tickets will show up here to sell
Last week of May/first week of June is when people finally decide whether or not they are in
There’s already been a good deal of 4-day passes (there will be more) and Lawson camping that have turned up for resale already
Check here multiple times a day, and make a post for what tickets/camping your looking for, tickets and camping are coming out everyday, but you have to be ready! Telluride Ticket Exchange / Swap - Festivarian Forum
Definitely will never ever buy on stub hub. I guess my more specific question is, do you think any Warner and town park will become avail towards the end of the month or just MEI and Lawson?
There’s way less TP and Warner, so chances are slim, plus theres a long line of people diligently searching for those. Safest bet would be to snag any MEI you find, and if a TP comes up then grab it and sell the MEI. There’s always the possibility of just showing up early and checking the message boards for tickets, but thats risky, especially this year.