I hear that the wild fires are about a 100 miles south of Telluride . What is the process if there an evacuation ?
I wouldn’t worry about it. :flower
The powers that be have an action plan if it comes to it I’m sure. :medal
I wouldn’t worry about it either, but it’s closer than 100 miles (probably 30-40 as the crow flies). Depending upon the progress (or lack thereof) and weather / winds during the festival, it’s possible there could be poor air quality.
I noticed it on Saturday in Ophir, but it rained yesterday and the smoke wasn’t really present (nor this morning) … but that can change. Noticed there are intermittent closures of 550 … so if anyone is planning on jeeping into the area by heading north on 550 from Durango (Ophir, Black Bear, Imogene passes), you might want to pay attention to road closures.
No smoke in Ophir this morning, but learned there’s another fire the region now; like the 416 fire, it’s still a bit removed from Telluride area, but close enough:
… looks to be northeast of Mancos & northwest of Hesperus and west of the current 416 (Hermosa) fire.
Will certainly be something to keep an eye on with conditions getting worse. The Burro fire is going to make things hazy for a while in Telluride
Should be good sunrise and sunsets :sunshine
Lots of smoke and haze in the valley today from the new Bear Creek (?) fire outside of rico…hard to see imogene at times
It’s way closer than 100 miles. I live 80 miles from Telluride. There are 2 fires, the 416 in Durango, it is BAD, almost 10,000 acres burned. The Burro fire is closer to Rico and not as big but still bad. I can see it from my house. To say don’t worry about it is perhaps accurate, but be prepared just in case. There is one way in and one way out of Telluride. The 416 is moving west and south, but the wind is bad today and if it moves north it can easily pop over the hill and come down near Telluride. If ANYONE has issues with COPD or other lung issues, I strongly suggest you monitor the fire and make an informed decision as to whether or not your health is worth risking for a festival. Mine sure isn’t.
416 doubled in size overnight. holy crap.
Yep getting concerned…closed 550. It is a big one. My heart goes out to the Firecrews. It is very hot here in CO and must be very difficult to fight this one.
Starting to worry some.
Still not “worried”, but concerned (for all). Like mj mentioned, yesterday during the afternoon was the smokiest I’ve seen it in Ophir since the 416 started … with the new Burro being a little closer and contributing to the mix. The pattern I’ve seen (which can easily change dramatically at any time) near Telluride is to see a build up of smoke during the day and then afternoon winds help remove smoke quite a bit; however, I can’t help but believe these same winds are fanning the fire itself at the source; making the next day’s cycle that much more intense.
Cindy Lou is right about people with COPD or lung issues (as well as cardio). I’ve got some minor issues, but have been careful not to exert myself when it’s smokey & have a new air purifier ordered and on the way. Not looking to scare anyone, but recent developments have kicked me in the butt re: “emergency plan” (doesn’t hurt to be prepared). Here’s an official release from the Sheriff yesterday:
… and yeah, my thoughts are also with the fire crews, must be very intense to say the least!
Today’s conditions are set for more growth. Wouldn’t be surprised if it hits 25,000 acres by the end of the day. Keeping a sharp eye on the weather and information from all agencies. I am planning on coming up to Telluride Thursday from Baton Rouge, LA.
I think I will bring the rain! Moisture coming into SW Colorado late next week. Hope it beats me! It’ll help though.
Looks like the San Juans are moving to stage 3 fire restrictions on Tuesday. This is a total shut down of the National Forest.
Cindy Lou or FoM, what are y’all hearing about this? Town Park campground is not in the forest, but wondering what this means for us.
Dustin, what’s the word from the Planet?
Tring to remember. I think the last good rain fest goes back to 1999, where it rained every day. Rain, however, is preferable to snow.
Just to try and add some clarity for where things stand as of Monday 6/11:
Telluride is not in the San Juan National Forest, it is in the Uncompahgre National Forest. This where it gets a bit confusing for some as the Lizard Head wilderness is in the San Juan NF so the line is essentially the Wilsons depending on which side you are standing on. Alta Lakes for example is NOT in the San Juan NF but the Umcompahgre NF.
San Juan NF is going to Stage 3 tomorrow, currently Stage 2. Uncompahgre is currently in Stage 1 ( yes that is Stage 1) and hopefully that will change this week to a Stage 2, in my opinion.
San Miguel County has issued a Stage 2 which applies to Private property in Unincorporated San Miguel County. Obviously that does not include the Towns of Telluride or Mountain Village
Mountain Village is currently at Stage 1. Telluride will after tomorrows Council meeting most likely announce an emergency ordinance putting the Town at Stage 2 which will have an effect on all visitors, especially those that smoke. It won’t stop the Festival or other events but it does dictate behavior related to camping, smoking etc…
There is a bit of a mismatch of stage restrictions given that there are different entities charged with the management of lands in and around the Telluride and San Miguel area. The best advise is to assume Stage 2 within the immediate area around Telluride and Stage 3 once you get South to the County line / Trout Lake onward going to south for those that are not familiar with the county layout.
Note: All of this could change by the day so just keep up with the latest info at the San Miguel County Sheriff Website as well as the National Forest Website for each Nat Forest area.
Just to try and add some clarity for where things stand as of Monday 6/11:
Telluride is not in the San Juan National Forest, it is in the Uncompahgre National Forest. This where it gets a bit confusing for some as the Lizard Head wilderness is in the San Juan NF so the line is essentially the Wilsons depending on which side you are standing on. Alta Lakes for example is NOT in the San Juan NF but the Umcompahgre NF.
San Juan NF is going to Stage 3 tomorrow, currently Stage 2. Uncompahgre is currently in Stage 1 ( yes that is Stage 1) and hopefully that will change this week to a Stage 2, in my opinion.
San Miguel County has issued a Stage 2 which applies to Private property in Unincorporated San Miguel County. Obviously that does not include the Towns of Telluride or Mountain Village
Mountain Village is currently at Stage 1. Telluride will after tomorrows Council meeting most likely announce an emergency ordinance putting the Town at Stage 2 which will have an effect on all visitors, especially those that smoke. It won’t stop the Festival or other events but it does dictate behavior related to camping, smoking etc…
There is a bit of a mismatch of stage restrictions given that there are different entities charged with the management of lands in and around the Telluride and San Miguel area. The best advise is to assume Stage 2 within the immediate area around Telluride and Stage 3 once you get South to the County line / Trout Lake onward going to south for those that are not familiar with the county layout.
Note: All of this could change by the day so just keep up with the latest info at the San Miguel County Sheriff Website as well as the National Forest Website for each Nat Forest area.
Thank for clearing this up for us Telluride firefighter! It is confusing if you don’t live there, and I realized SJ district didn’t quite go that far north. Also that the GMUG was at stage 1 but that lovely box canyon was at or going to stage 2. Glad you chimed in! :thumbsup
Looks like the San Juans are moving to stage 3 fire restrictions on Tuesday. This is a total shut down of the National Forest.
Cindy Lou or FoM, what are y’all hearing about this? Town Park campground is not in the forest, but wondering what this means for us.
Dustin, what’s the word from the Planet?
I believe most of the USFS land that immediately surrounds the Telluride area is within the Uncompahgre NF, but if you look at a map, the San Juan NF is not that far away. So, if you’re up at Hope Lake you’d still be in Uncompahgre, but if you started to hike to the east, the saddle would be the boundary of San Juan. Same goes for Ophir and Black Bear Passes (near the top) … not sure if these roads will remain open on the eastern sides.
Here’s an interactive map:
Thanks TF for better explaining! Are you aware of any restrictions for through traffic on Ophir / Black Bear passes?