Why will Allison Kraus not live stream

will her people not let her? I am far away from my telluride home going to vet school and would so like to pick up my fiddle here in grand cayman and play with her from far away. I hope everyone at home booty shakes it for me and will tell me all about it. Please have a cold beer for me too and look up to ajax and smile

I wish I had known this before we set our alarm clock for 3am (UK time) to get up and listen to AKUS - denied! We’re big fans and although it was a bit extreme we thought it was a great opportunity to hear them play live after the long hiatus. One of the best days of our lives was attending Telluride 2003 and seeing them and some of our other favourites.

So had this already been mentioned somewhere? I didn’t see any disclaimer on the main streaming messages on the Telluride or KOTO sites to say that certain artists would not participate…any insight into why AKUS did not take part? What a shame. :frowning:

We still enjoyed listening to Sarah Jarosz and Dave Rawlings Machine last night and hope to tune into more music over the weekend. :thumbsup

Yours bleary-eyedly,

After talking with someone at KOTO the other day, AKUS never allows streaming. It’s a :quote contractual thing :quote Seems pretty lame to me!

It’s her record company that won’t allow it. It has always been this way with her. The more “mainstream” the more rules they come with.

Yes, very disappointing indeed :frowning:
Luckily I had been informed prior to the event, and didn’t set my alarm to catch their show!
It definitely is a bummer from here in the UK, as at the moment I can only catch the early day shows if I want to have some kind of decency at work the next day… So all the late nights are a no go :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:
But what I’ve caught so far has been a real pleasure, and just makes me tingle with excitement at the idea of returning in 2011! :cheers
I think catching Sarah Jarosz singing Kate Wolf’s Telluride with Tim O’Brien on fiddle was absolutely perfect. I learned that song before attending my first TBF last year, and was singing it all summer…

All I can say is: Lucky Festivarians, up there in the box canyon, I wish I was with you!

Just found out that the Lyle Lovett set will not be aired either…I was looking forward to end my long day at work after my return to Denver from a few very wonderful Pre-Fest days with the Family to help relax and dream about being there still…darn :argh

I know what your saying with the record company but my gosh, she signed the contract! It just seems like a silly thing to me. Are they afraid its going to seriuosly cut into her record sales? :rolleyes

Perhaps KOTO could air some backstage jams in the timeslots for AKUS & Lyle Lovett? I’m sure there are some other performances going on that are worthy of airtime!

That’s a great idea, perhaps a little late to arrange that now?

I also sent an email to KOTO this morning and got a very nice reply saying that from now on they would add a message to their site stating who would not be live streaming (e.g. Lyle Lovett today).

It’s still great to be able to hear the coverage from away over the sea, enjoying Hot Rize right now!

So sad all of you could not join us this year, 2010, in Telluride but we are very happy to read that you were with us in spirit!

Hopefully, next year to Hell You Will RIDE!!!

Auntie Hope :festivarian2 :green

in the past, Allson Kraus has not allowed the tapers at TBF or RG to tape her shows. Since I wasn’t on the field at that time, I am not aware of what was said or done. In the past the mics came down for that set and the shows were not available for trade or download. I have no idea if that has changed, but if she has required no taping, the taping the community will abide by that wish. I know that for a fact.
