Why no PB Farm RV? 😢 There's still time! 😀

I’m really disappointed with Planet Bluegrass this year. Many people helped Planet Bluegrass get back on its feet after the flooding and purchase the PB farm and now it’s not even available for a festival, The Folk Festival. Why in the world do you have the land if you’re not going to use it for festivals? PB Farm RV is offered for the Rocky Grass Festival. Seeing what people are seeking on this forum shows the need… There is a huge demand for RV camping close to the venue not miles away. Also this year you all changed the criteria for campers on a vehicle pass from the original requirements to shorter, which I think is very rude. People purchased campers based on your original criteria. There’s plenty of time before August to change your plans for Folk Festival. America is aging. If your desire is to exclude festivarians who cannot or do not like to tent camp, then you are moving in the right direction. I do not think that is in the kindest festivarian spirit.

I agree with length restriction changes being bad. I purchased a 22’ campervan to comply with the rules and two years later you shorten it? I plan to show up as-is and can’t even express how disapointed I would be if you put a tape measure on the van. Poor judgment trying to fit in more campers (make more money) and excluding your loyal festivarians.

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We travel in a 20’ campervan. We just discovered this week that our van is 2’ too long. We have to bring a tent to sleep in, and park our campervan in the parking lot. Very disappointed. Loved camping at The Farm at previous festivals.

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I’d like to bring some light to these comments & thoughts:

  • Restrictions for the Town of Lyons inhibit PB from being able to camp on the Farm during Folks Festival. This is not something that Planet Bluegrass has control over, but feel free to express your concern to the Town of Lyons.

  • The reduction of vehicle size is to protect the space for tent campers – since tent camping on-site is the most convenient tent camping. The amount of camping passes was never increased, and PB is not trying to “make more money.”

  • We do have the vehicle length restriction posted on our website and we have had this new 18’ restriction for at least a year. We do this to ensure that everyone has space to camp. If vehicles are found to be over 22’, it will be asked to be moved to respect the space of the campers needing space and respecting policies put in place with thorough attention to detail.

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Thank you. I will contact the city. I wish I could cut and paste what I already wrote in this thread. Oh, well. Thank you fir the information :+1: