While in Telluride, I promise to...

:wave :thumbsup :evil :cheers :flower :wink: :medal :rolleyes :lol :mad :frowning: :eek :slight_smile: :huh

I promise to enjoy myself no matter what life brings.

Endless Good Now Comes To Me In Endless Ways and I offer this to all fellow festinewagian persons! Enjoy the endless good!

:huh :slight_smile: :eek :frowning: :mad :lol :rolleyes :medal :wink: :flower :cheers :evil :thumbsup :wave

Yes, but then again we are talking personal hygiene! Scary! What if you have an Axident? Wjat then? This is the time to think of others… please! :wave

I like this post and since we have so many lurkers coming out to join us, they jest may wish to precipitate!

I promise to:

Not obsessively over-plan each day (not doing too well there as of today)
Go with the flow
Drink lots of beer
Meet lots of new people
Chill out

Whatever moves me… as long it doesn’t stop me from getting home the following week.

I promise to use the time in Telluride to kick off (in grand style) the next 6 weeks of travelling around this great country I call home.

I promise to be carefree and let the winds blow me where they wilt.

I promise not to let the ladies fight over me…too much :wink:

…well, if they start fighting, I promise not to enjoy it

…awww hell, who am I kidding…

May the best lady WIN! :thumbsup

Dang… too bad I’m a lover, not a fighter.

I promise:

Not to think about why it took me so long to come to this awesome gathering of great music and great people and just hope it’s the first of many

To jump in a river

To cheer on my friends band, Leadfoot String Band, during the competition

I promise sit and just be…
To feel the cool breeze, then the warm sun, then cool night air…
Share stories, drink, food, and love with friends about the times since we last met…
To live the year, like each day we felt… in Telluride

Have the time of my life!!!

I promise to make it into town park.

Lift my head and look at the beautiful valley and landscapes…

Smile, be considerate, be tolerant of others…

Sing, CLAP, dance, wave my arms in the air, not wear underwear :flower

Forget to do what is expected. Do the unexpected. See how far the music takes the people sitting two rows in front of me. hike to the food venders. Remember to see what time it is when I get up to pee. Look at the horizon in every direction. take my trash to the dumpsters. Make a friend, meet friends I haven’t seen for a while. Drink Bushmills or Patron. Eat bacon. walk away in wonder at the conversation I overhear at the pot a potty. dive into the universe and pull as many molecules as I can connect in a chain to find my way back. …

great promise bouzouki!
getting up to pee and checking the time is something you’ll have to explain…
i think i see some good reasons behind it…

some of the most awesome experiences i have had at festivals has been waking up at say 3 or 4 in the morning to go pee, seeing the beautiful surroundings all around me and just deciding to stay up and walk around. nothing like meeting people in waking life lucid dream states

while in telluride, i promise to… listen to as much bluegrass as possible, see some old friends, make some new friends, and try at least 3 kinds of bacon i haven’t tried before…

If I sat up all night in line, I wouldn’t be able to walk. If I check the time, then I will know if I need to get a place in line. The lucid dream wandering state is fun and full of promise. That cup of coffee before the sun hits the volleyball court usually wakes me up, and reminds me where I am.

My promise of getting town park has officially been fulfilled!!!
HMMMM… Now What?
I promise to eat TONS of bacon.
oh yeah, and NOT GET SUNBURNT!!!

I promise to let go of the trials and troubles of home/work/life in STL when I get in the car to leave.

And to dance like no one is watching.

Take a big, deep breath when we hit the mountains and truly enjoy our time like we haven’t had the priviledge of doing in a long, long time…eat when we want, drink when the mood strikes, sleep when we can, feel the love, laugh as much as possible and listen to music non stop for the duration. :thumbsup

Nuff said

While in Telluride I promise to wake up and search out for the perfect sunrise spot, and well you know. Let that moment set my day in motion see what such a start would bring me or where it would bring me

I promise to be good to earth and marvel at the box canyons beauty from all angles

While in Telluride I Promise To Love and Hug as many of my New and Old Friends as possible !