I have a High School Camping ticket for TBF, and am wondering if anyone knows more details about the construction situation at the High School. I realize the correct answer at this time to a lot of these questions is “Nobody knows yet, ask again in late May.” I was just wondering how much smaller the camping area will be, and since it is smaller you will be selling fewer tickets to camp there…right? What I liked about camping there in the past is that one could have a little elbow room, space between your neighbors, if one desired. Plus being in walking distance to the fest is really great. Although, that walk seems to get longer as the week goes on…
Has anyone in town seen any activity yet at the site? Probably way too cold and school is still in session for any construction to have begun.
Not really sure how this will play out, but many citizens have stepped up to question several aspects of the proposed design; including the installation of artificial turf.
Apparently, the school board has taken pause in order to better involve the community with input re: the design, but not sure if this will translate into a construction delay … although it’s now a card in the deck.
So, it would appear there’s a sight chance camping will be setup just like years past if they don’t get going before Bluegrass.
I believe this issue won’t be revisited until the Tuesday after bluegrass … so my guess is that it means camping will remain largely if not entirely unaffected this summer.
Who would want to camp on that stuff in the first place? The sun breaks it down at a fast pace at sea level. Can’t imagine that would happen at a slower rate at 8,750 feet above sea level!
Besides, that’s the total opposite of going “green”!
I agree . It would be like camping on plastic . I hate artificial turf . Except more people should use it for there lawns in California because of the crazy drought we are having. Colorado doesn’t have to worry about a drought so lets put in a nice green lawn . AAAAHHHHHHH GREEN!! :wave
Not sure how it may (or may not) have affected camping, but the School District has started moving forward with construction according to an article in the Daily Planet.
I saw heavy machinery outside today, as well as fencing & some other staging … but again, not sure how this will impact camping for Bluegrass if at all?
I understand the need to move quickly on some aspects of the project re: timing for the next school year, but personally I’m not a fan of this project nor how it was PUSHED really hard by the school board & outgoing supernintendo.
UPDATE: the school board recently voted to take pause for an independent analysis, but my suspicion is there won’t be overwhelming evidence one way or the other and they’ll simply proceed to move forward based upon the vote which passed the entire expansion … which I believe was nothing short of a glorified “omnibus measure” which allowed the artificial turf to ride on the coat tails of the bigger ticket item (expansion) which voters were most focus upon.
There’s an online petition to oppose artificial turf at:
I hope I’m wrong, but it looks like the Telluride School District Board made a final approval to move forward with the installation of artificial turf on the High School athletic fields by a 3-1 vote on Tuesday.
The board had taken pause to consider both cost and health implications re: artificial turf, but apparently some on the board felt the need to vote on this during the off-season … perhaps to push this through when a lot of residents are away on vacation & the likelihood of immediate flak would be far less.
I’m not really sure if it’ll affect camping @ the HS for this year’s festival, but my strong suspicion is that it won’t … although maybe next year
Personally, I find it a sad commentary re: how special interest can often push their agenda forward if they know which buttons to push and what levers to pull.