Where should we camp?

Hi Everybody!
This is my first year coming to the festival from the San Francisco Bay Area! I need some help deciding on a campsite. I’ve read through the forum some and I still can’t decide. So here’s some info on us:
2 single gals (31 and 35), sporty, social but not into heavy partying. We won’t be the ones drinking til 3 am, but would love to sit around a fire with kind folks and new friends.


Thank you!!! Can’t wait!

Do NOT camp with Hooch! :lol

If you have kids stay at the school.
If you have an alcohol problem stay as close to the stage as problem.
If you do not vakue sleep, again stay as close to the stage as possible.
We have stayed everywhere. But I will never, never stay anywhere again except Mary E. Illium.
Unbelievable truly!
Shuttle runs every 15 minutes or so, clean, people are nice, free water,
Let me know and I will save you a spot!?


Hey and welcome to the fun :thumbsup,

The closest campgrounds to the stage and town are Warner Field and Town Park.

Town Park is traditionally where the most picking circles and drinking past 3 occur. Picking circles happen all times of day and particularly later in night inside tents (with heaters). Some people will be drinking, some won’t. Warner Field is more condensed and a ticket there allows you access to all of the Town Park fun.

If you can tolerate a lot of noise then Town Park is your best bet. Warner Field will still have noise but probably to a lesser degree than Town Park.

If you dont mind riding shuttles in/out of town then there’s Ilium, etc.

Thanks Everyone! And Farmer, I really am leaning towards Mary E. Nope, no kids, just us two gals. I’m totally into the natural setting instead of the baseball field. I just wanted to make sure we’re not heading into a drug-induced craze anywhere. We’re just healthy, happy gals looking for a safe environment full of friendly (but not gross/lecherous) other people.

And we prolly can’t get there before thusday afternoon so a saved spot would be RAD!

:wave Yassi, you will find that no matter where you stay to camp you will be sorrounded by good folks who are willing to help you at the drop of a hat. :flower

You girls will be safe just about anywhere in Tride.

Oh, now where did THAT come from??? Please do not believe anything you read about me on the porta-pot walls!

Seconded. I’ve only ever camped at Mary E, but my experience in the festival grounds and town with the festivarians from other campsites and what I’ve read on this forum proves that no matter where you are, you will be with cool people.

Yep, from my experience and from what I’ve heard, foul/gross/unsafe party scenes are hard to come by in Telluride.
I came for the first time last year, a young girl on her own all the way from Europe, and I’ve never felt safer or better surrounded! :thumbsup

Dang, Hooch! She, makes it sound like gross and lecherous are bad things! :evil

And noise in TP, that is questionable :lol.

Music all night makes it easy for a girl alone to fall asleep fast. I know this one first hand. Slept like a baby at RGA while being sung and played to through the night. It was nice.

A little late on that comeback. I was waiting for it. :lol

:wave If a crazy pony tailed mexican offers you a shower say yes :thumbsup

Just make sure he stays outside…


If “thusday”= Thursday, a saved spot somewhere is almost a necessity.

Do yourself a favor, seriously- with altitude and everything else:

Make “thusday”= Tuesday, (Wednesday at the latest) :thumbsup

Time goes really fast- I begin to experience withdrawl symptoms by late Saturday :wink:

i’m loving the banter already!
well, strongwrcs, lecherous was fun when i was 21…let’s face it, lechery = flattery back then, right? :slight_smile:

…but now i’m a bit older, a bit wiser and not looking for a tent stalker. …unless he’s really cute, smarty-pants, a rippin’ skier, willing to relocate to San Francisco to play hubby! :slight_smile:
lalagay, glad to hear your experience was so positive! that’s exactly what we’re hoping for!

but back to the topic: Mary E it is!

anythingatall: i’m working on getting out of work earlier (the 17th is my 32nd bday!), but not sure if it’ll fly.

so people are there as early as tues???

the 17th is Deb and I’s anniversery …7years …been together for almost Ten
OMG what happened ???
and Btw Some of us will be there as early as June 5th !
Advanced BlueGrass Assuilt Team Rocks !
ahhhh to be young again

[quote author=The Freckled Farmer link=topic=7276.msg50459#msg50459 date=1262896616]
If you have kids stay at the school


Both the Town Park and Mary E. Illium campgrounds open the Saturday before the festival (6/12).


ok! we’re all set for mary e! i still think the earliest we’ll get there is thurs due to work so i hope you guys will save a little corner for us!

thanks and can’t wait to see you all in june!

oh by all means you should camp WITH Hooch. :lol