Rob Ickes and Trey Hensley deserve to stay but I could for sure bump your others listed. Nothing against any of those bands, I’d just rather see Billy/Dusters/ Smokies.
Best part of T-ride is finding bands I don’t know at all, or just kinda know. So let them all play.
However, as a longtime festivarian, I am looking forward to seeing a set by Steven Kellogg. Many years ago, he put on a great show at the fest. It was an early slot so not many were there, but it was quite entertaining. At one point, his bass player got nearly naked, jumped into the poser pit, over the fence and ran completely around the field. When he got back to the artists’ entrance gate, they didn’t want to let him in cuz his pass was not part of his running outfit. As I said, it was quite entertaining.
Though SK’s music is definitely not bluegrass, I enjoyed it and his enthusiasm so much that I went to his nightgrass show at the Fly Me To The Moon that night. It was so crowded in there that it was probably 90 degrees.
So I like to give every band a chance to make me a fan. It worked with SK many years ago, and many times since then with other artists. Fest sure made me a HUGE L’il Smokies fan.
If you really want to see the Dusters, Strings and Smokies this year you just need to head to Wisconsin the weekend before Telluride for the Blue Ox Festival. Although I like all three bands I would have a hard time adding them to the every year list. Currently there are eleven acts that are almost guaranteed to be on the list plus the band contest winner. (Sam, Bela, Jerry, Peter, Salmon, Yonder, Greensky, House Band, Tim, Chris, Punch Bro. and Wood Belly) We used to have several female acts appear multiple years, this year we have seven acts that are predominantly female. So that only leaves ten spots left for new bands. If you add three more bands that only leaves two new bands per day. And it’s good that not every band is your cup of tea, it gives you a chance to do other things. Buy some merchandise, get something to eat, Elks Park and Nightgrass, or maybe a nap and shower after being up the whole night before. I guess that I will miss the Blue Ox for the Telluride prefest and some maple deliveries on the way there.
Part of the reason I go to TBF is because of the chance to see the bands I don’t normally seek out, or just don’t seem to tour much, or at least tour my region. Plus finding new kick ass music is like finding a crisp 100 dollar bill in your laundry!
While it may be disappointing to most of us to not see Billy/Dusters/Smokies on the lineup, I think it’s important to remind ourselves of the bigger picture here. Us Festivarians know that TBF is much more encompassing than any one of those bands. It’s about seeing those old friends you haven’t seen since last year, making new friendships, the pilgrimage & travels into the San Juans & Telluride + the beauty of the Box Canyon, the camaraderie between complete strangers, the 4 days of musical collaboration (way more than that if you’re camping early), & all of the inspiration that comes with every single facet of the festival. My goodness, I can’t think of a better place to be, or better people to be with, than inside Town Park with all of ya’ll. Let’s focus on these positive things rather than being down on the fact that these HOT bands (which are not going away anytime soon, likely) won’t be in attendance. We are 2.5 months away & the excitement is building. See ya’ll at the Fred Shellman Stage!
Rob Ickes is one of the best Dobro players (probably second to Jerry) and they put on a good morning set, it is an ideal set to have after Thile’s traditional opening set.
Wood Belly can not be bumped because they won last years band contest.
Ya Poltz, Kellogg, wellRED, Jim James don’t think I have ever seen them live so that will be nice to see something new…always into that and I think I would vote that way if I were forced; although I would probably have more fun with last years amazing newgrass youngsters again. Think I have looked into some of Poltz and Kellogg they both sound nice, but I agree when compared to Billy, Dusters, and Smokies its a tough sell but we saw them last year and will see them in Telluride again I am sure.
I am just happy it is almost nightgrass release time!
You all could just join us at the 5th annual Blue Ox Festival in Eau Claire, WI the weekend before TBF and get your dose of Stringdusters, Lil’ Smokies, and Billy Strings. They have another lineup jammed full of killer sets. Wake up Sunday morning and head to that box canyon we all love so much! :cheers
That sounds like the most fun idea in the world, and I really wish I could make that journey. That lineup is so nice! Maybe some year I will be able to make the rounds to bluegrass festy’s all over the land!
Oh its wonderful! This will be my third time doing both festivals back to back, since Eau Claire is basically on my way to Telluride. The only downside is cutting down my stay in the canyon a day or two, I try to make it to Town Park by mid day Monday.