When in Lyons...

  1. Obey the speed limit. Lyons is pretty serious about the speed limit through town and there will be speed traps.

  2. In the same vein, please YIELD to pedestrians! It’s the law that pedestrians have the right of way in all 50 states (believe me, I researched this for a bet), and it’s no different in our small town. With extra peds walking to and from campgrounds, please be careful and obey all traffic rules.

  3. If you are in town for the whole week, don’t miss the jam at Oskar’s on Tuesday. It’s arguably Colorado’s biggest jam, and lots of fun. Just try to stay out of walkways so waitstaff can do their jobs throughout the night.

  4. Likewise, if you are around all week, try the Lyons Cafe on High Street. I know other restaurants have higher profiles in town, but this is my favorite place for breakfast. Just don’t sleep in, cuz they switch over to the lunch menu early (11 am). And, they aren’t open on the weekend, so for you festival-goers, Friday is your only chance to experience a truly hometown, family-owned traditional greasy spoon.

  5. Don’t park on the streets! Park in the field near Olsen unless you have specific permission from a resident in town.

  6. Come see Spring Creek at Oskar’s on Friday night! It’s only $5 and there are sure to be lots of friends sitting in!

  7. You can find wireless connections at the Barking Dog, the Stone Cup and at Oskar’s.

  8. Have fun and be sure to find me to say hi!!



Recycle!! We have recycling facilities in town and we do accept paperboard. Remember that juice boxes and milk cartons go with comingled containers, not with paper. The big recycle bins are near 4th and Railroad Ave., near the skate park.


Well done, G!

I’d also add one more tip:

Whenever you need ice, your best bet is the little grocery store between
Meadow Park and the Ranch. They’re normally open at 8 am, and in the
past have been well stocked.

  1. Go see The Packway Handle Band on Saturday and Sunday at Oskar Blues, too.



Please stop in the Madhava Honey store and say a big howdy to my sweet friend Carrie!
She’s our kind of girl :thumbsup

Play pinball at the pinball arcade. It’s like stepping into a different era.

Take a walk and enjoy all the great sculptures.

Go to Cilantro Mary’s and eat some really good Mexican food. :medal

Unless they are putting them up THIS week, I haven’t seen the Sculpture Walk go up this year…

I thought this was an annual event? Oops.