Wheelchairs on the PB grounds

Through the years of attending RockyGrass and Folksfest. I have come to notice how hard it is for people in wheelchairs to roll across the rocks on the main pathways. Please don’t think I am complaining about how the planet treats us ADA people at all. In fact it’s quite the opposite. I really appreciate how I get treated as a handicap person. I wish other companies treated us ADA’s like the planet does. So this is merely a suggestion. But I have wondered if the planet would ever consider adding some small sized crushed concrete to the walkway’s? Crushed concrete is an inexpensive fill in walkways and unpaved parking lots. Also a GREAT way to recycle. But best of all it would make it way easier for people in wheelchairs to get around on. After helping push another persons scooter across the rocks all festival long just so they can use the restroom. It gets you thinking. Like I said though, this is just a suggestion. :cheers

Great idea! You may want to consider reaching out directly to Madison at Planet Bluegrass to raise this to their attention: madison@bluegrass.com

I’ve had trouble getting across the main path in my mobility scooter for years.
I’ve also seen a lot of mothers with children in strollers struggle to get through it.
If they can make that main pathway similar to the path from the silo to the sound booth it would make things a lot smoother.
Maybe running a steamroller across the main path to break up the loose rocks and pack it down might help a bit.


Thanks for the ideas. :cheers I had no idea who to to turn to at the planet. Besides I had not even thought about mom and dads with strollers. That has got to be a pain. I just remember this guy that was at Folks last year that was in a chair. He started out doing pretty good. But by the end of the fest you could tell it was really wearing on him. In fact it looked like a struggle for him. But he was the kind of person that wouldn’t show it. Has kind of had me thinking ever since.

I sent an e mail to the planet. Had some both quick and pretty positive feedback from PB when I reached out to them. Was really nice. Thanks for the input, I appreciate it.

So, what did PB have to say? :huh

Madison thanked me for the suggestion and was passing it on to the person in charge of the grounds. They did ask to be more specific about exactly where I was talking about. It seems to be that the main pathway from the entrance through the food vendors is the worst. The deepest spot I think is by the restrooms.