What's this about a line?

Newbie here.
Seems I read somewhere about a gigantic line to get into the festival every morning. How gigantic? How early do I need to get in line? How long does it take for the line to get into the festival? Should I maybe consider going a little bit later just to avoid the line?
So many questions!!
Y’all are awesome.
Yes - I’m from the South!

Personally, I don’t buy into claims that will invariably follow re: “tradition”, “avenue for making lifelong friends”, etc. I’ve never waited in line and doubt I ever will … unless there’s a new policy to randomize entry in order to mitigate:


If it’s just you, or your crew is small, I’d recommend waiting until the tarp run is complete. Walk in afterward with your blanket/tarp/chairs and find an open space to spread out. People wait in line all night in order to secure their space up front with a tarp. The rule at TBG is if you see open tarp space, you’re welcome to stay there until the owner returns. When they do, ask if you’re OK hanging out on any extra space. Nineteen out of twenty times you’ll be welcome to stay, and probably make new friends in the process.

I highly recommend getting up at least one morning to watch the tarp run from the hillside. It’s a spectacle and a lot of fun to observe.



Burnsgirl - it’s all part of the fun and no you will not have to wait long. There’s always options sometimes we tarp run sometimes we tarp crash our new found old time friends! (A round of new Belgium or a corndog will always show respect :cheers

I think you mean Avery now. Unless you have a method to sneak in that NB. :cheers

I think you mean Avery now. Unless you have a method to sneak in that NB. :cheers
DRATS!!! That’s right…(sure did like me some of that watermelon ale that taste nothing like watermelons)… hmmm Well! Here’s to Avery, versatility, and a health to the company!!!