What do you want/ what don't we need?

I always thought that anything south of Orlando is North Puerto Rico, or extreme south LonGGG GGGisland?
Hope my Replies to your emails have been getting bumped? not ignoring you. :flower

how about a swap meet thread? for the sale and trade of instruments and equipment?
I’m going to put it up as a poll question?

Yeah, I just arrived back in town from HoB - Orlando and Langerado Festival and I can’t even access the mail. Try a PM?

Hope Lin :pickin

Could there be a photo section?

Well, Texass could be considered Southern MidWest. Sounds pretty good!

What? I’m sorry, that will never work?

Well, why?

After all it is a bit south and dead center USA. What could go wrong?

“your” photo is one of the best! I love the mics at Telluride, very nice.

Swap meet category, I would vote for that. We can include camping equipment too. :slight_smile: :rock

Swap meet category- I forgot to add: this helps in keeping with our “green” theme. Reuse what we already have!

I am taking this suggestion back. After much thought I realize that a swap meet may bring in less than honest persons and this is where it will not work.
The Planet’s focus should be on the music, they are so good at that!
We have Craig’s list for trading and we can always reference it (I imagine) and so I vote to not have a swap meet here. As great as this first sounded I can see many fall backs with it.

I would like to see all of the birthday’s under their own topic, this way we are not wading through the general stuff for these. Sound good to anyone?
Off to work, have a great day!

Teresa -

You can view the calendar by clicking the link at the top of the page which will show you all of the registered users birthdays.

Does that work for you?


It wasn’t Same ol River, it was Howlin at the Moon… and it was in the Telluride section under “Bluegrass Karaoke” :flower

I may be stuck on on posting numbers at 121= let’s see.
This is a test…

Nope, Just my 3 part post just counted as 1. Good to go…

O.K., who is doing the counting here? :wink: :wave
It is a nice day out and is to snow tonight, I had better get out while I can.
Have a great day everyone!

I got this error when going to that site…
“No web site is configured at this address.”
Are you sure that’s correct??? :huh

I just deposited the tab sheet in the Bluegrass Karaoke thread under Telluride Bluegrass Festival :wave

Three choices:

  1. Resize it using Paint or some other picture editing software (preferably 640X480 or less)

  2. Upload it to photobucket.com and post a link.

  3. Send it to me and I’ll resize it for you. :flower

maybe the ymsb show for friday nightgrass should also be a lottery. It sold out in 12 minutes this morning…and the planet bluegrass website was moving so slow most folks couldn’t get on. Very sad.

It sold out in 12 minutes this morning

That is the lottery. :argh