What are your pre-Telluride shows?

:wave Howdy friends. With just a few more weeks till we load the car, What are some shows you are catching in between gathering all of your camping gear out of storage?
We have tickets to see the Violent Femmes at the Cain’s Ballroom. And this week at the Woody Guthrie Center the John Lee Hooker exhibit opens, and there will be some live music to go along. Those are the only scheduled distractions we have planned before TBF. Oh I guess we just got tickets for Josh Ritter up on the hill!! Hoping we see a bunch of yall at that show! Tuesday June 18th at Club Red.

Pretty darn busy leading to TBF, but I am seeing Billy and Bela in Salt Lake at the end of the month.

Well, I’ve got the 26th Annual Road to Rich’s Tie Dye Party coming up on May 17-18.

And we’ve got a pretty good lineup this year, including:

Jon Stickley Trio
Wood Belly (last year’s TBF band contest winner)
plus Chain Station, Joe West, Partizani Brass Band and a whole bunch of other great acts.

You’re all welcome, of course.


Swamp guitar great Tab Benoit!

Cool! Maybe you could talk them into playing in Duk Tape for the crawfish boil!

So back in 99 I was in undergrad bartending at the once famous CactusMoon. It was a smaller venue but we packed them in.
Tab came out and blew the place away!
I was blessed with handling “Tabs Tab” which I recall were mostly :wink: “Spills” and band payout.
After a terrific night we closed and locked the front.
I paid him out and he decided to hang out for a lil and shoot the sheep with us while we cleaned stocked and counted.
After a lil bit he said he had then munchies… “the kitchen closed at 12 and the cook bailed 12:01”, I replied. Tab grinned and said “aye howbout ewe boise lemme cook for you! I teach you to make de real banana fosters!” Buttah mak eva ting bettah" (please forgive the phonetics)
So after a quart of vanilla, 2lbs of butter, half a dozen bananas, too much granma and about 3 hrs of goofing off hanging with Tab in the kitchen we successfully completed our lesson! Hes an amazing musician and evidently cooking teacher. I’m lucky to have this memory.
There you have it… the time Tab taught me to make banana fosters.
Not sure why this need to be shared but wth.

And ToddG we caught the femmes w/echo and the bunny in Houston last fall. They still got it! Helluv A time.

Tab dated a friend of mines little sister back around 97-99ish. Got to spend a bit of time with him around then, and he is a very cool human, and wicked great musician. This would have been around the Fayetteville AR-Eureeka Springs areas.

I just saw Billy Strings in Austin, and I’m headed to Bluegrass in the Bottoms in Kansas City with 3/4ths of my Telluride Bluegrass crew in a couple of weeks. Then I’ll see the Steeps in their show with Steve Martin and Martin Short in San Antonio on June 1st. I might go to Austin in a couple of days to see Marcus King, but I’m super busy at work, so I might have to wait to see him until the next time he rolls through here.

There has been a lot of good music in my neck of the woods. Between now and Telluride I hope to catch:
5/10 possibly Ragged Union at Gold Hill
5/18 Andy Thorn & Andrew McConathy at Beyond the Mountain Brewery
5/24 Thunder & Rain at Gold Hill Inn
6/1 Billy Strings at Mesa Theater
6/7 - not sure…Jeff Austin at Mish, Little Feat in Boulder or Central City Jazz fest
6/14 - possibly a little Palisade Bluegrass on the way to Telluride

Berkeley Bluegrass with JerryD, Laurie and Tom, on the 19th.

Molly Tuttle at Amoeba SF on the 24th, Molly at the SF Independent that same night (there is a free show at Amoeba LA on May 22)

Memorial Day - The War and Treaty at Lagunitas here in Petaluma. Been hearing rrraves about their set at Jazzfest

The real Mr. Ed is buried in my hometown of Tahlequah.

Jenny Lewis, one of my female musician crushes.
Local music festival is Killing it: :burn
Mavis Staples, Infamous Stringdusters, Della Mae, Band of Heathens, Chris Jones and the Nightdrivers, Shook Twins,
Cane Mill Road, and Wood Belly. Thank you OFOAM! I’m spoiled and will be more than warmed up for TBF!


3rd Annual Bluegrass in the Bottoms KC !!
Fri 17th - Jeff Austin, RRE, and Trampled By Turtles
Sat 18th - Keller Williams, Steep Canyon Rangers, and the Dusters!

Then it’s off to Telluride!

How about a festy before a festy- who else is hitting Pagosa Folk and Bluegrass?

I know Bevin ain’t…

Where is local? What is the name of the festival? I love the Infamous Stringdusters and Della Mae.

I live in Ogden, Utah.

So Tuesday night we saw the Violent Femmes. Wow. You people also going to the Folks festival are in for a real treat. Amazing show, and since it was at the Cain’s Ballroom home of Bob Wills they played San Antonio Rose and Gordon played fiddle. Highly suggest checking out a show.

1st night of Bluegrass in the Bottoms KC

Pert Near Sandstone - Fun opener, upbeat set.
Jeff Austin - He is obviously not in a good place right now. And even admitted so on stage during the set. The set was technically off the charts. Many say Julian Davis is the next Billy Strings. Kyle Tuttle was amazing on Banjo also! Dark set though, and Jeff Austin is the Jim Morrison of Bluegrass IMO

RRE set was off the hook as usual! (Some photos below)
Got to see Mike Robinson for the first time w/ RRE, filling the huge void left by Andy’s passing. Mike is truly a spectacular musician, and really added that extra layer that was missing last year. RRE had a shorter set, as for some reason they weren’t the headliner last night.
Trampled By Turtles headlined, and played a solid set.




was Jeff’s set not good? curious… wish the best for him…

Man I love RRE. still so sad about Andys passing. I cannot wait to see them in TP