We're home

Just in case anyone cares, the kids and I are back from our 6 week cross-country road trip… Thanks for a great visit Hope… Ron, I almost called you 2 nights ago when we were in ABQ but didnt have a number…

Now back to regular programming…


505 710 2466


A little late there Ron. :lol

always !

My favorite custom license plate =


:cheers :cheers :cheers

I Must be to Cocktaled to get it
say that isnt so at 2 am

It’s 7:15 AM here Ron and I don’t get it either… :flower :lol

I think that we should ALL call Ron at 2:00 a.m.!
(No matter your time zone, so 2:00 a.m. at EACH time zone!)
Thanks for the number Ron! :wink:

We are glad that you made it back safe and sound Debbie :flight. I am certain that you had a great trip! :drive

While you were gone we had a music jam :band at the South Park property with 44 folks, :pickin it was so much fun also!


My favorite custom license plate =


:cheers :cheers :cheers
Me either, I am not getting it??? :huh
“Le Weight Slate” ??? :huh :huh
Will rum make it clearer?? :lol

Please help…

It must be a hippie thing cause I don’t get it either. :huh
I’ve read it numerous times, but it just doesn’t make sense. :eek
Jerry’s on the road to Crested Butte so I’ll get the skinny when he gets to Colorado. :cheers

:cheers I’m in… :cheers
Jerry could you please enlightin’ us?

Debbie, I had a wonderful afternoon with you and the boys. Stop by anytime!

Auntie Hope :pickin :green

Does it mean Always Late?

oooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :slight_smile:

Glad to be home I bet! Nice to see you here again.