Weezer Competition

Holy S Adam
Congrats Brother
and Sweet Pics …

:thumbsup Soooooooo…Tonight is your night to shine Adam!!! Hope you knock their socks off!

Lots of Luck tonight…we’re all with you even though we can’t be there.

Can’t wait to hang with you in Frisco you big star you! Way to go! :medal :clap

That is awesome, congratulations Adam! Very cool, break a leg!!!

Awesome too cool!!!

Surprisingly wasn’t nervous at all! Gave Rivers a high five as I walked out on stage, and the view was great!

Good video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0l0vNjrJlXU&fmt=18

Better sound balance http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmSH5ltW26g


How Freaking Cool !
now I can say “I knew Him when”
Brother Congrats again

Very cool! Was that you near the middle in red?

Way to go Adam :thumbsup
I got your first beer on the tarps on me. :wink:
Yours truly Gov A to the J :pipe2



Good picture, but that mic in front of me shouldn’t have been facing that far to the left :frowning:

:thumbsup Holy sheets! That’s just freegin AWESOME! :thumbsup

How about I buy you a Hot Fudge Sundae at Ghiradelli while we are in SF.?!???!!!

Is That Ian Anderson on the Left ?

Can’t believe I just saw this. At least I won’s show up at HSB going “Huh? Adam played the Garden? WTF?”

That was super-cool, Adam. Can’t wait to party with you in a few days.