My fiancé and I are getting married during the festival and we’d like to find someone who will already be there to document the event. It will only take an hour or so. I’m a photographer myself and could provide the equipment for the photo shoot and would pay a small fee for your time and effort.
Which day, what time, and where? I’m a concert photog, but I am leaving my rig at home, because shooting is work and I’m on vaca. But, if its not during a set I’m interested in, or during when I have a planned event I’d do it for a cheap buzz, and some Motley Crue trading cards!
Congratulations! What a great way to get married. Depending on your schedule I would be happy to help out as a primary or secondary shooter. Feel free to DM me if you like.
… we are newbee’s to this festival and staying in the Town camping, coming in early from Western NC> I am also an ordained minister so if something falls through with your officiant, happy to help out. I’ll only have festival clothing CONGRATS!