Weather Prediction?

partly cloudy with some hot sun
sunny with some cloudy periods
rain with sunshine
sunshine with rain
above zero temps
below zero temperatures
frost warning
humid and hot
cold and rainy

did i miss anything?

The weather report was soooo wrong!

So what was the weather like?

We left on June 9th with the predictions of 60 degree days and 30 degree nights. Every day was blue sky full sun highs between 83-85, with lows around 45 most nights, did have two nights in Ilium waking up to frost still on the vehicle at 8:30 am. I was hoping it was going to be a little cooler, but it was damn hot!

Yep 8750 is closer to the sun! :burn

Kind of sounds like Tom’s weather forecast was spot on. Silly Accuweather readers…

I used to live at 9,000 and never remember it being that extreme!

Yea but Telluride is not like any other spot on the Planet! :cheers

TTom’s prediction was right on. We did not even get the ‘chance of hail’.